96|Are You There Shim? It's Me, Ian.

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Carla stood next to Carl as they watched cadets carry their partners over their shoulders. Carla hit Carl with her elbow when she saw one cadet didn't have a good hold on his partner.

"You don't have him,Huntington." Carl said. "I just need a better grip,sir!" Huntington said as Carla stepped in front of him. "Are you trying to screw us out of becoming Cadet lieutenants next year,maggot?" Carla spat.

"No,ma'am." Huntington stood straight. "Well,it sure as shit looks like it. Drop thst cadet,pissant." Carla demanded,furrowing her eyebrows. Huntington actually dropped the cadet, making him grunt as he hit the floor. "Jesus. Not literally." Carla said.

"Sorry ma'am. Sorry,Raul." Huntington said as Carl stood next to his sister. "We have our year-end review with the general this afternoon. Do you know what that might be about,puke-head?" Carl asked.

"No,sir. Y-yes,Sir. Uh,me,sir?" Huntington asked. "We've had the entire school year to get you plebes into fighting shape,and yet kne big,fat turd who can't keep up." Carla said, pointing at Huntington's chest.

"I'll do better,ma'am." Huntington said. "A chain is only as strong as its weakest link,and you are my weakest link! Get out of our faces!" Carla demanded as Huntington walked off. "Jesus carls." Carl said, causing Carla to snickered.

"Cadets--and Dave---dissmissed!" Carl called out as a cadet named Padilla marched up to the twins. "Corporals Gallagher is on the move!" He exclaimed.

"Left! Left! Left,right,left!" Padilla exclaimed as everyone jogged. "Here we go again!" Padilla exclaimed when Carla heard the voice she hated the most. A voice  that has been at military school since the summer ended. "Hi Carl! I see you in there!" Kassidi exclaimed.

"Walking down the avenue!" Padilla exclaimed. Kassidi held a sign up. "Only two more days until the end of school!" Kassidi exclaimed. "Mrs. Gallagher is waiting for you!" Kassidi exclaimed again, but everyone just continued to jog.

"I'm doing my Kegels." Carla heard Kassidi say as they finally got far enough away from her.


Carla followed Carl to the general's office as she fixed her military hat, and Carl knocked. "Enter." General Gene said. Carl opened the door, and the twins walked into the office.

The twins saluted to the general who saluted back. "At ease,soldiers." Gene said. "Sir,I'd like to discuss the cadet lieutenant position." Carl said. "I know it comes down to me,and Lawson," Carl looked at Carla before turning back to Gene.

"and that one of our men is not up to high standards of military cadet that we expect,but I promise you if given thst position,I will get him there next year." Carl said. Gene signaled them to sit down.

"What are your plans for after graduation,Corporals?" Gene asked. "Sir?" The twins asked simultaneously. "Cadet lieutenants have traditionally gone on to service academices." Gene said.

"West point?" Carla asked. "You both have the discipline,the fighting spirit. Get a congressman or senator's recommendation." Gene told them. " You really think we could?" Carl asked. "You'll have to handle your personal situation." Gene told Carl.

"There's a civilian outside the wire in a tent." Gene said. "Gallaghers have always attracted crazy,sir." Carl said, making Carla roll her eyes. "My brothers have. Sisters, too." Carl added, making Carla want to punch him.

"Our mother was crazy." Carl said. "Well,if you can straighten out your platoon and personal issues,son,there's a good chance you'll be cadet lieutenant next year." Gene said.

Later that night, Carla leaned against the wall with her arms crossed. "She's still at it." Carl said, looking at Kassidi through Binoculars. "Carl,Carl,he's my man if he can't fuck me no one can." Kassidi sang. "Cause of the crazy bitch out there,and this maggot being a fuckup,I'll never get that promotion." Carl said.

"And the crazy bitch out there,you decided to marry." Carla said as she and two other cadets followed Carl. Carla looked back at Huntington, who was still sitting down but looking out at Kassidi. 


The twins jogged with two other cadets when Huntington joined them, pushing Carla aside. "Took care of your problem, Corporal Gallagher." Huntington said.

"What problem is that?" Carl asked. "Just wanted to prove my loyalty to our platoon,sir." Huntington told Carl. "The hell are you talking about,cadet?" Carl asked.

"Kassidi. Don't worry,sir. Nobody will ever find the body." Huntington said, making everyone stop running as Huntington continued but stopped. Carl looked at Carla before they walked over to the tent Kassidi had been in.

Hundreds proudly smiled at the twins as he saluted. Carl didn't salute back, but once he looked away, Carla saluted, then mouthed the words 'thank you.'

Word count: 813
A/n:short chapter 👍🏻

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