97|Mo White!

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Carla sat next to Carl at the counter as Lip walked in the kitchen after giving Franny her breakfast. "What's with the uniform,GI Joe? I thought you were off for the summer." Lip said, ruffling Carla's hat.

"Yeah, aren't you supposed to be 'at rest'?" Liam asked. "At ease. And there is no ease. And there is no ease for soldiers who's West Point bound." Carl said. "Debs,can you pass me the milk?" Carla asked. "Debs?" She asked again as she turned around in her seat to see Debbie reading her check from work.

Debbie put her check down frustrated. "Eighty cents. That's how much women make on the dollar compared to men. And if you're a woman of color,65 cents." She said. "This is a sexist shit nugget of a country. Don't you forget that." Debbie said to Xan.

"Oh,Debs!" Kevin said, walking inside. "Thank god you're not working. Hey,I need a favor. I gotta take V to this nursery school tour. Can you watch the girls for about an hour? They can't come. Thanks." Kevin smiled.

"Why are you speaking to me?" Debbie asked. "Cause you're Debbie." Kevin said. "No. Why are you speaking to the only woman in the room,Kevin Ball?" Debbie asked. Kevin looked at Carla, confused, and then he looked back at Debbie.

"Carla's a woman,isn't she?" Kevin asked. "I'm not in this." Carla said, taking her phone out of her pocket after it buzzed. "Why is childcare a woman's job? Let me tell you why."

"Where are you going?" Carl asked after Carla stood up. "David wants to meet up." Carla waved her phone before walking upstairs and quickly changing out of her uniform, then walking downstairs and outside.


Carla knocked on the door to David's house and waited for the door to open. Once it did, David's mom stood in front of Carla. "Hello ma'am." Carla said. "Oh,sweetie, how good to see you. Come in." Mrs. Rodriguez said, stepping aside so Carla could walk in.

"David's upstairs right now. Just go on up." Mrs. Rodriguez smiled sweetly. "Thank you,Mrs. Rodriguez." Carla said. "Oh, please call me Rośa." Rosa said, and Carla nodded before walking upstairs.

Carla knocked on David's bedroom door before walking in. "Hi. Your mom let me in." Carla said. David sat up on his bed. Carla sat at the end of the bed. David moves next to her and wraps his arm around her torso.

"You alright?" David asked. "Yeah,just Carl is annoying me about this cadet lieutenant position." Carla said. David kissed her cheek. "I thought you wanted that spot." He said.

"Oh, trust me, I do,but only the one of us can get the spot, and it's probably gonna be Carl." Carla said. Carla ranted, and David listened to every word she said. "Sorry," Carla chuckled,"I'm ranting."

"No, it's fine. I like your voice." David said, and Carla could swear she felt her face reddened as she immediately turned away. David chuckled and solfty kissed her jawline.

As David kissed up her jaw towards her lips, Carla's phone began to ring. She picked it up as David started it kiss her neck. "Hello." She said,trying to keep her voice steady as David kissed her sweet spot. (A/n:CRINGY D: )

"I--this is completely stupid. I have to work for FREE of volunteer work just to get into West Point." Carl complained."Really?" Carla breathed out as David pulled her shoulder sleeve down as he kissed her collarbone.

"Yes, and the 100 hours of community service i did when I got out of Juvie doesn't count since it's court order." Carl groaned. Carla swallowed hard before trying to speak.

"Yo,you okay?" Carl asked. "Yeah, I just got back from a run." Carla quietly gasped when David ligting bit the top of her breasts. "Uh,okay." Carl said,sounding like a question. "Bye." Carla said quickly as she hung up, not letting Carl say anything.

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