49|I'm the Liver

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"So you're back and forth from your mom's to your dad's?" Carla asked Will as they sat together on a stack of rocks by the L. "Yep." Will nodded. "Wow. Does it ever get boring going to one place to another?" Carla asked.

"Um, sometimes." Will answered. "No offense, but I would hate doing that. There is too much packing." Carla said. "No offense taken." Will said as the two chuckled. Carla's phone buzzed. She flipped it over and saw Carl texted her.

"Oh,Debbie needs me. See you later?" Carla asked as she pocketed her phone."Yeah,see you, Carla." Will smiled, Carla smiled back then left. She walked home quickly. "What, Debs?" She asked as she walked inside. "Where were you?" Debbie asked.

"Okay,mom." Carla said sarcastically as Debbie handed her a bowl of cereal. "What are we going to do for money this summer?" Debbie asked as her,Carla,and laim sat on the couch, and Carl,who's in an electric wheelchair, sat next to the couch.

"I plan to bang as many chicks as I can and get so good at it,they even pay me to do it." Carl said. "Ha! Yeah,right. You're in a wheelchair." Debbie said. "Chicks dig wheelchairs." Carl said with his ironic smirk. Debbie grabbed his wrist aggressively. "I swear to God,if you lose your virginity before I do,I'll stab you to deat in your sleep." Debbie threatened.

Carl pulled his arm back out of Debbie's grip. "I'm supposed to keep it in my pants till you're 30?" Carl asked as Carla choked a laugh. "30?" Debbie asked, shocked. "40?" Carla joined in. Debbie hit both the twins' arms. "That's not funny." She told them.

"Yeah,it is." The twins said simultaneously. A knock came from the door. "I'm going to the public pool later if you want to come." Carl mentioned completely ignoring the knock from the door as another knock was heard.

Debbie got up and looked through the window at who was knocking. "What are you going to do at the pool? You can't get wet."Carla said. "And either can you,but did you miss the part where chicks dig wheelchairs?" Carl asked as he flicked Carla's casted wrist.

"Hmm,strange man. Let me ger my pepper spray." Debbie said, running upstairs. Carla tapped Liam's shoulder and then pointed to the door. "Liam, get the door." She told him. The boy listened and got up to open the door.

"Hello,uh,I'm looking for Frank Gallagher." The man said as his eyes went from Liam to the twins. "Why?" Carl asked. "Oh,um,his--his liver was my--was," the man started to cry. "He's one block over at Sheila's." Carla told him, and Liam slammed the door on the man.


Carla carried Liam on her hip as she,Debbie, and Carl walked into the pool. "She still ignoring you?" Carl asked as the three spotted holly. "Just ignored her back." Debbie said. "Hey,Gallagher,looking good." Holly called out.

"You too,Holly." Debbie said. "Not you. You." Holly says to Carl. "Really?" Carl asked with a smirk."Really?" Carla asked with a disgusted face. "Aw,your poor leg. Poor baby." Holly said, standing up and walking towards them.

"She's just talking to you to mess with me." Debbie whispered. "Let hope she just blows me to mess with you." Carl said as Holly stood in front of him. Carla scoffed and walked away to find a place to set their stuff down. "Holly or Molly or what the hell her name is gross." Carla said to Liam.

"Gross." Laim repeated her words. "Yes. Gross." Carla said as she sat Liam down on a lawn chair they were soon joined by Debbie.

Carla watched in disgust as Carl kissed Holly while she sat on his lap. "Laim,you're getting ice cream everywhere." Debbie said and sat him in his stroller. Carla's attention moved to a couple who was arguing in front of them, and she laughed as the blonde girl poured her drink on her boyfriend and then walked away.

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