76|You'll Never Ever Get a Chicken in Your Whole Entire Life

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"Up and at 'em. Up." The female Sargent said, turning the lights on. Carla jumped off the top bunk that she slept on, and she changed into the military green shirt and the camouflage pants. Before she put on the matching camouflage jacket on, she put her hair into a low bun.

Carla put the camouflage jacket on and left the bunk room for roll call. Everyone there lined up as the Sargent came out, and he  saluted, and everyone did the same.

The Sargent started to call names, but instead of their first names, he was calling them by their last. "Gallagher." The Sargent said. "Here." The twins said simultaneously. "Right,the Gallagher twins. Forgot about that." The Sargent said as he continued roll call.

Afterward, everyone ate breakfast and went to the classes. After the first few classes,the training started. Carla held Carl's feet as he did sit-ups. "It's weird not being home. Less fighting. " Carla said. " Yeah. But it's only been a week. We'll get used to it." Carl said.

The twins swapped positions, and now Carla was doing sit-ups, and Carl held her feet. After sit-ups came push-ups, "I think I'm gonna cut my hair." Carla said in between grunts as she did the workout.

"Really?" Carl asked. "Yeah, probably up to my shoulders." Carla said. Carl looked up and over at a dark brunette boy staring at the twins,well mostly at Carla, "There's some kid stating at you." Carl said as the Sergeant made them do pull-ups.

"Who?" Carla asked as she pulled herself up on the bar. Carl nodded his head towards the boy. Carla followed his eyes at the dark brunette boy. Since he was father away than where she was, she could only see the uniform everyone had on and his hair.

"Eh..." Carla grunted. "Just leave it, Carl." Carla said. Carl nodded but kept his eyes towards the guy who was staring at Carla while they did pull-ups.

Soon after,lunch came, and the twins sat at a two chair table near the back of the cafeteria. "You think we should call or email Fiona?" Carla asked,breaking the silence between them.

"Yeah, definitely." Carl said as they ate. Carla turned her head and met eyes with the boy from before,yet he was closer, and she could see what he actually looked like;he had chocolate brown eyes,wavy short dark brunette hair, and was light skinned.

Carla then thought about how Ryan didn't meet up with her at the bus stop before they left. And in her surprise she wasn't sad about it,she was angry about it. Like she could smash a kid's head in a wall if they looked at her wrong,but she didn't want to get kicked out of military school. So she kept her distance and mostly talked to Carl.

After lunch,everyone did an obstacle course for more training. After that, everyone went to the rest of the classes they had.

And then before dinner, Carla sat in the bunk room by herself as she dug through her bags when she heard the door shut. She quickly turned around, thinking it was the Sargent, but instead, she found the brunette boy.

"Uh,this is the girl's bunk room." Carla said as she put the bag down. "I know." The dude said. "Then why are you in here?" Carla asked. The dude didn't answer he just walked behind her and pressed his dick against her ass.

"Yo,buddy, what the hell?" Carla asked quickly as she pulled herself away from him. "Look,you're cute and all,but dinner is in like 30 minutes,and this is the girl's bunk room. Plus, I don't even know you." Carla said. "Right. My bad. I'm Diego Gonzalez." He said

"I'm -" Carla started to say. "Carla Gallagher. I know. Meet me in the cafeteria after everyone goes to sleep." Diego said, then left. Carla furrowed her eyebrows as she continued to search through her bag.

Dinner came, and the twins sat at the same table near the back. "So I talked to that kid who was staring earlier." Carla said as she took a bite. "Oh,yeah?" Carl asked. Carla nodded. "His name is Diego Gonzalez." Carla said.

"Aren't you dating that Ryan kid?" Carl asked. "Sorta,I asked him to meet me at the bus stop before we left, but he never came." Carla said as she played with the food.

"Hmm." Carl hummed. They ate until the Sargent said it was time to go to sleep. Everyone took showers and then went to their assigned room. Carla changed into sweatpants and a gray t-shirt as she waited till everyone was asleep.

She didn't know why she did what she did, but she met Diego in the cafeteria where he told her to,and there he was standing in the kitchen.

Carla walked towards him. "So why'd you want me here?" Carla asked. Diego took his shirt off and kissed Carla. She was hesitant at first but kissed back.

The kiss got heated quickly as Diego picked her up, making her wrap her legs around his hips as they made out. Diego sat Carla on the counter as he took his pants off.

"Well, I can't be the only one naked." Diego said. Carla took her shirt off,followed along with her pants, leaving her in her bra and underwear. Diego was immediately kissing her jaw and collar bone as he unclipped her bra.

Carla's mouth opened as Diego pushed into her and found a rhythm. "W-Wait. If we get caught, we both get kicked out. And I can't have that happening." Carla moaned.

"Shh. Don't worry." Diego told her. "P-plus, we have more training tomorrow." Carla said."Shut up." Diego covered her mouth as he sped up the paste. Carla gasped as he hit her G-spot and clawed his naked back, definitely leaving marks.

Both Carla and Diego rode out each other's high as they both came. Carla rushed to put her clothes back on and left. Carla snuck back in the bunk room and climbed on her bed, and fell asleep.

Word count:1064
A/n:All this came from my brain! I made all this up. It took me all day, but still

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