2| Frank the plank

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"Fiona! Where's my shoes laced in one of my shoes?" Carla yelled to her older sister as she ran down the stairs."Oh, Frank took it, " Fiona said. "Ugh!" Carla exclaimed as she jumped down the last step. Carla sat down on the couch next to her twin brother and playfully shoved him, which she got in return. "Burgers coming through." Steve said, walking in the living room."Uh,Lip. Napkins, " Fiona ordered. "I can get it," Karen said. "No,no,no. You sit, " Lip told her and went into the kitchen,"only ketchup." Steve said "me.me" Debbie put her hand up.

"Extra onions,jalapeños." Steve read "me, " Veronica said, walking in."Thank you. Make room, " v said, flopping on the couch. Lan handed the twins their burgers as they went for Veronica's food. "uh-uh-uh. After you finish your shakes and fries, " V told the twins, making them groan simultaneously. V looked over at Karen. "Who's this?" She asked."This is Karen," Lip explained. "Hey Karen. Nice top. What size are you?" V compliment "Shh! Shut up." Fiona told her as the TV show started playing.

Everyone was watching tv in silence until the door opened, and everyone turned to see a bloody Frank. "You okay,Frank?" Steve asked "hey" Ian said and stood up."That my shirt?" He asked "yeah" Frank said mindlessly and stepped closer to Ian."Uh,I'm just asking," Ian hesitated. Frank headbutted Ian in the face, making everybody shoot off the couch. And made the twins jump back when Ian fell on the coffee table. "Jesus!" Fiona yelled,"the guy in the bar said to pass it on." Frank said casually.

"What the fuck is wrong with you?" Steve asked angrily "Jesus Christ dad." Fiona said looking at Ian's face "Shh!" V said covering the twins ears "You're drunk,Frank. Drunk." Steve said angrily."This is drunk?" Frank asked."This isn't drunk. Do you wanna see drunk?" Frank asked."Don't do this to your kids,Frank, " Steve said. "What are you a tough guy,Steve? You think you're a fucking tough guy? Because you look like a premenstrual Filipino." Frank said.  "Steve,go. Get out. Hey. Just go. Please, "Fiona said calmly. "He's shitting his pants. Pussy" Frank said drunk. "You're pathetic, Frank." Steve pointed at the bloody guy. "Get out now. I mean it!" Fiona yelled pointing towards the door.

"Come on. Don't go. Come on. Puss,puss,puss. You wanna say something pussy? It's Mr.joe-fucking-god-gift,the pussy." Frank said drunkly "ice" V ordered "It's a bloody nose. He's not dying." Frank said "really Frank?" Veronica said,"Anybody noticed that I'm bleeding?" No one said anything as Frank walked away.

The twins stood behind the couch leaning on it as they watched everyone help Ian clean his bloody nose as Fiona went to talk to Frank.

Later that night, the twins yet again slept side by side in Carl's bed again.


The next day, the twins watched as Debbie cut out coupons from newspapers she had stolen from other people's porches, not bothering to help.

"Lip you seen Frank?" Fiona asked as she looked through the mail."Uh,no." Lip said as he fed Liam."What day is it?" She asked."Friday. Why?" Lip answered, Fiona went upstairs without answering.

"Carl, you're so weird." Carla said as she watched her twin brother lick eggs. Ian opened the door for Steve. "Morning campers," he said, walking inside. "What you got?" Lip asked "jelly,plain,glazed. Save me an apple fritter, " Steve said."All right." Lip said. Carla watched as Steve took a piece of toast off Carl's plate and dipped it into the egg. "Bet you hate when that happens." Steve said with his mouth full."They're his tits. It's the only reason he eats eggs, " Carla explained."He just licked that one." Debbie said in disgust.

"Has anybody seen dad?" Fiona asked."He was asleep behind the armchairm," Debbie said. Fiona sighed and walked out of the kitchen with everyone following behind. "It's a tent." Fiona said as she looked behind the armchairm. "Why is their a tent in the living room?" Fiona turned around, "oh uh drying it out. ROTC training in Wisconsin next week." Ian explained.  Carl flopped on the couch as Carla flopped on him "Ugh,Carla your too fat." Carl groaned as he pushed her off, "Ugh,Carl, you're too fat, " Carla mocked."You two knock it off." Fiona ordered the twins.

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