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Carla stared at her bruised face in the bathroom mirror. "It's looking better." Carl appeared behind her, causing her to jump. "Yeah. Thank." Carla said as Carl turned around to talk to Ian, who was doing pull-ups on a doorframe.

"Mickey, your boyfriend?" He asked. "We hang out." Ian said. "He's in your bed." Carl continued. "Yeah,his family is a nightmare." Ian told him. "Think I got a girlfriend." Carl told him as he hit Ian's stomach. "Oh,yeah? " Ian chuckled.

"Yeah,her family's a nightmare too." Carl said. "Whose isn't?" Ian asked. "You love mickey?" Carl asked Ian. "I like how he smells." Ian said as Carla walked out of the bathroom. "Weirdo." She said. "What you asking stupid questions for?" Mickey asked, walking out the boys' room.

"You were nicer when you were asleep. Frank survived his liver transplant,in case you were wondering." Carl told Ian as him,and Carla walked downstairs. "Nope. Wasn't." Ian said.


Carla sat on the stairs of the school on her phone while Carl and Bonnie stole out of a vending machine. "That's so cool you sister's at Decatur." Bonnie said. "Yeah,I guess. Don't you think we have enough stuff already?" Carl asked.

"No. I have seven siblings. I need something for all of them. Tip if a little more." Bonnie told him. "Fire in the hole." Bonnie said."I'm gonna go visit my father in the hospital now. Do you want to come?" Carl asked as he pit his backpack on.

"Can't. Got to head back to the van. One of the kids has bronchitis. I need to go check on him." Bonnie explained. "You should come live with me." Carla's head shot up at Carl's words.

"I can't leave the other kids." Bonnie said as she stayed on her knees. From Carla's view, it looks like she's giving him a blow job. "They can come live with us too." Carl said. "Okay." Bonnie said as she stood up and kissed Carl, then hugged him.

"Carl." Bonnie said as she pulled away from the hug and looked down at Carl's bulge in his pants. "Yeah,I know." Carl said. "Gross." Carla said.

The twins walked out of the building. "Are you sure about Bonnie and her siblings living with us? I mean, where are they supposed to sleep?" Carla asked. "Well, since Fiona is in prison, Bonnie and I can take her bed, and her siblings will sleep in the living room." Carl explained.

"I don't know if that's a good idea, Carl. I know we have done stupid shit in the past, but this? This is past retard level." Carla said. "Shut up. You're just mad that you don't have a boyfriend." Carl bragged as they walked into the hospital.

They went up the elevator and walked into Frank's room. "What the hell are you guys doing?" Carla asked as her and Carl moved through the kid who was dancing. "We're waking Frank's spirit." Sheila explained. "Why don't you just do this?" Carl asked as he punched Frank's balls.

Frank shot awake. "What happened?" He asked in shock and pain. "He's awake! You did it,Carl." Sheila said excitedly as she hugged him. "I'm not sure that was the best method. Dad,are you okay?" Sammi asked.  "Where am I,Debbie?" Frank asked.

"Debbie? It...I'm Sammi. You're at the hospital. " She said."What? Why?" Frank asked."I better get the doctor." Sheila ran out of the room. "Where's Mama going,lip?" Frank asked Carl. "Dude,what's wrong with you? I'm Carl." He said.

"Maybe I should hit in the --" Carl started. "No,no,no!" Sammi stopped him. "He's awake! Just like I told you." Sheila said as she came back into the room with a doctor.

"This is good news. A lot sooner than expected." The doctor said. "He thinks we're different people. You screwed his brain on backward." Carla said,"Frank,do you know where you are? You're in the intensive care unit at St. Michael Hospital. You underwent surgery a few days ago for your liver." The doctor explained.

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