91|Frank's Northern Shuttle Express

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Carla bounced Franny while she cried as someone pounded on the door and rang the doorbell. "Shut up!" Fiona shouted from her room. "Debs,get the fuck out!" Lip exclaimed as he knocked on the bathroom door.

"Franny, it's okay." Carla said as she tried to stop Franny from crying. "Come on,I gotta take a leak!" Lip exclaimed once again. "What the fuck is going on?" Fiona asked. "Well,Debs has been in there for, like,an hour." Lip said as he knocked on the bathroom door again.

"Well,tell her to get out,Franny's crying, and it's not Carla's responsibility to stop her." Fiona said, pointing towards Debbie's and Carla's room. "Yeah,I have been. Debs,get the fuck out!" Lip exclaimed.

"And who is ringing the bell? It's 7:00 a.m!" Fiona exclaimed. Carla stepped out of her room as she carried Franny,who was still crying. "Howdy. That's for me. Let's go,Liam. Time to go to work." Frank said as he walked downstairs.

"Debs,I gotta take a leak." Lip said as he pounded on the door. "Gimme a minute." Debbie's muffled voice said. "She's still in there?" Ian asked. "Yeah." Lip said as he grabbed a coat hanger.

"All right,that's it. I'm comin' in." Lip said. "Jesus. Carla, give me Franny." Fiona said as Carla handed her the baby, and Lip unlocked the bathroom door.

Carla stood behind Lip as he walked into the bathroom. "Debs." Lip said as he saw Debbie holding a cup with a pregnancy test in it. "Shit." Lip said. "You pregnant again?" He asked as he put the toilet seat up.

"Fucking better not be." Debbie said. "Fuck." Lip said as he looked at another pregnancy test on the sink. "Oh,Debs,this one says negative." Lip said as he peed.

"They all say negative." Carla said as she looked at them unbothered by her brother peeing next to her. "How am I supposed to trust any of them. I haven't gotten my period yet." Debbie said.

"Maybe it's just stress,right?" Lip asked as he zipped his pants. "Or maybe the sult candy didn't work." Debbie said. "What?" Carla asked as she sat next to Debbie on the bathtub.

"The morning after pill. I can't afford Franny right now,never mind another stupid baby." Debbie said as she looked at the pregnancy test. "Negative? Lair!" Debbie exclaimed.

"Hi,got your child to stop cryin'." Fiona said as she handed Franny to Debbie. "I got fired from my job,Fiona." Debbie said as Carla walked out of the bathroom but immediately came back to the bathroom alongside Lip,Ian,and Debbie.

"What happened?" Lip asked. "That!" Fiona exclaimed, pointing at Brad in the bathtub. "Shit." Lip said as he turned the shower off. "What going on?" Ian asked. "What are you doing?" Lip asked. "Ah,Jesus. Now everyone's in here. Guess I won't shower today. Gonna get filthy anyway cleaning that shitty building my sister found for homeless kids." Ian said.

"Oh,God,Ian. Can't we be past this?" Fiona asked. "Uh-Huh." Ian said as he walked away. "Can you get rid of him?" Fiona asked Lip. "Yes." Lip said. "You know what? I'll just shower at my apartment building." Fiona said as she walked past Carla.

"I'm gonna go to the store to swipe some more pregnancy tests." Debbie said. "No,no,no. I'm gonna take you to Planned Parenthood. We're gonna get a real test. All right?" Lip said as Carla walked away not before slightly kissing Franny's cheek.

Carla inaudibly groaned when she heard Kassidi laugh. "That's a whole lot of pee,babe." Kassidi said as Fiona looked at Carla weirdly before the two looked into the bathroom where Kassidi was sitting on the back of the toilet while Carl peed.

"Hi. Who are you?" Fiona asked. "This is my friend Kassidi. That's my sister Fiona." Carl said as Kassidi got off the toilet. "I'm his girlfriend. Check this out." Kassidi said as she held her skirt up to show her underwear that said 'all Carl's'

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