56|Carl's First Sentencing

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Carla was using the downstairs bathroom as she was fixing her hair and her shirt. She went to open the door and almost got hit in the head by the bat, causing Fiona to scream. "Fuck." Mickey said. Ian and Carla made eye contact as Ian slowly lowered the bat.

Mickey quickly took the bat away from Ian. "Hey,hey." He said, opening the backdoor. "There is nobody out there." Mickey said. "No!" Ian exclaimed. "Fucking look." Mickey told him. "Get over here." Mickey pulled Ian away

"Ian,it's only gonna get worse." Fiona told him. Carla walked out of the bathroom and followed them into the living room. "We gotta get you to a fucking clinic. Get some meds. Today." Mickey told Ian. "Don't do it." Frank grumbled.

"Shut up,Frank." Fiona said. "Hey,it's okay. It's all right. Let's go get dressed." Mickey said as he took Ian upstairs. "God,what a wake-up." Frank said. Fiona turned around and looked at Carla. "You okay?" She asked.

"Yeah,I'm fine. Why are you all dressed up?" Carla asked. "I'm gonna go see the lawyer. Try to get Carl home as soon as possible." Fiona explained. "It's a tragedy when a young man ends up behind prison bars." Frank said, walking upstairs.

"Bad parenting." Fiona said. "Oh,don't blame yourself." Frank told her.


"Did you help your brother?" Sammi asked as Carla sat in her and Debbie's room by herself. "Why would I tell you? You'll probably put me in juvie, too." Carla said. "Come on, little sis. I would never. You know,out of the Gallagher siblings,you're my favorite." Sammi said.

"Uh-Huh. Sure." Carla said, finally making eye contact with Sammi. The two had a pretty normal conversation until Sammi tried to imitate Carla, which failed. "You don't scare me. You do know that,right?" Carla asked.

That's when Sammi jumped at her and started to punch her constantly, and being on top of the younger girl, it made it hard fit Carla to throw punches, but she did eventually get a few in.

Sammi stood up, "Carl was a lot easier to punch. But you're much stronger." She told the girl. "Shut up,Sammi." Carla said as she stood up and pushed Sammi out of the room. "Jesus Christ." Carla whispered to herself as she looked at herself in the mirror.


"Hey. What did you want to talk about?" Carla asked Will. "Uh... my mom's moving to Pittsburgh. And she's taking me with her." Will said. "Oh...okay. when are you leaving?" Carla asked. "Not sure yet. But soon,I think." Will told her.

"Okay." Carla nodded. "We can still text and stuff." Will said. "Yeah. That'd be nice." Carla broke eye contact. "You okay?" Will asked. "Um,in full honesty. No,my brother has his first sentencing tomorrow to see if he's going to juvenile prison or not." Carla explained.

"Damn. I'm sorry,I didn't mean to put more weight on you." Will said. "No,it's okay. I-I need to go." Carla said, then quickly walked away.

Something that Carla found weird is that she didn't cry at this new information. But something she also found weird is that when she got home, she trashed her side of her and Debbie's room and punched a hole in her headboard of her bed.


Carla laid awake on her bed. She listened to Fiona and Mickey's conversation about Ian and then listened to the wind blowing, and finally, she passed out with her foot and head, handing off the side of the bed.

"Carla, wake up. You got an hour to get ready." Fiona woke her up the next morning. "Okay,I'm awake." Carla yawned as Fiona left. Carla changed into a black long-sleeved shirt with matching black rip jeans and her regular worn-out brown high tops Converse.

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