22|A Great Cause

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Carla slept at the end of Carl's bed when she felt someone cover her mouth. Her eyes fluddered open, and she saw Frank coving both her and Carl's mouth. Her grunt of confusion was muffled due to his hand "be quite." Frank whispered and uncovered their mouths."What the hell?" Carl asked."Shh!" Frank hushed."Get up. Both of you get up." Frank whispered again.

Carla yawned, rubbing her eyes as she sat up "its 1 a.m." Carla whispered, reading the clock."Hop to it." Frank told them in a hushed voice as he picked Liam up. Carla stretched as she stood. "Is Frank okay?" Carla whispered to her twin."No." Carl whispered, throwing her a shirt to put over her tank top.

Carla quickly and quietly put the shirt on. The twins walked downstairs in confusion. "Come on." Monica said in a normal voice."Is that our Halloween candy?" Debbie asked as Monica dragged the twins onto the couch."Who wants candy corn?" Frank asked. "me." The twins said together "movie night." Monica said, taking Liam.

"We have school in the morning." Debbie explained "paranormal activity 3." Carl said excitedly,"right?" Monica smiled,"my buddy Edgar shot this at the AMC." Frank explained as Carl sat next to Carla."Why is the camera so shaky?" Carla asked."Ah,Edgar's got palsy." Frank explained.

"It's rated R." Debbie said "For 'really fucking scary'." Monica said "so sit there and learn." Frank told them as he lit a cigarette "I'm gonna get Fionam" Debbie said as she started to get up "she wouldn't like this movie." Frank said pushing her back down.

"This is gonna be our little secret.: Monica said, taking the cigarette from Frank,"Die." Carl said as Carla watched in amusement."Oh. Don't go there." Debbie told the TV. They all jumped and screamed when a jumpscare happened. They all laughed at the movies. Then, finally, they all fell asleep,Carla laying on Carl's shoulder as she slept.


"I'd trade my left nut for one more hour of sleep." Carl said, walking downstairs, "You're gonna be late for school." Fiona said as Carla yawned."Hey,I hope you're hungry. Most important meal of the day." Monica said,"Carl,sit." Monica said as the three of them flopped on the chair, still half asleep due to staying up so late.

"House could use a spring clean." Monica told Fiona,"It's November. It's like Dawn of the dead in here. What's with you guys?" Fiona asked, pouring some coffee."Debbie,can you get your father up? He's out in the alley by the Chopiaks' garbage cans. Help him to bed." Monica asked as Debbie yawned as they both stood up. Carla pushed her plate away and laid her head on the table.

"Ian left for work early. Did you hear? I kicked Terry Milkovich's ass." Monica said,"Not the first time someone's come in here fists first." Fiona said taking out the bread "why don't you go for a run? When's the last time you did that? " Monica asked.

"I've got too much to do." Fiona said,"Like?" Monica asked."Uh,make lunches,get Liam dressed, take him for his checkup." Fiona explained. Carla was now asleep at the table alongside Carl. "Made lunches already. I'm here it doesn't all have to fall on you." Monica informed her.

"Carl. Carla. Carl,Carla Gallagher." Monica said, waking the twins back up."Okay,if you're not gonna eat, I want your teeth brushed in two minutes." Monica told them, pulling the half asleep twins up. The twins walked upstairs and into the bathroom.

The twins sleepily brushed their teeth. "I knew staying up late last night was a good idea." Carla groaned,"yet we still did." Carl yawned as they walked downstairs, grabbing their backpacks and walking outside.


The last bell of the day rang the twins quickly, grabbed their backpacks, and rushed out. The two walked home, still tired. They walked in the house to see Monica and Debbie with a bunch of bags and boxes. "Hey,sweetheart, is everything okay?" Monica asked Ian as he walked in. "Mandy's dad came looking for me at school." Ian explained."Are you all right?" Monica asked again. "Managed to duck out before he saw me. What's with the dolls?" Ian asked.

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