53|Crazy Love

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Carla sat next to Carl at the table, eating breakfast. "What do I care? You blew the money you promised. You used to buy me a new trailer,si it's back to the gutter you slept I'm last night,or you're on the couch." Sammi told Frank as she continued to cook.

Sammi it Frank's hand when he tried to grab a  piece of French toast. "Ow." Frank said. "And there are new rules around here: no money,no food. You want something to eat,you pay. And there's a curfew. " Sammi said, smaking Frank's hand again.

"No more coming in at 3:00 and waking the whole house up anymore. Doors will be locked at 10:00." Sammi said. "10:00?" The twins and Debbie asked simultaneously. "10:00?" Debbie asked. "You got to be fucking kidding me." Carla said.

"Woah,woah,woah!" Sammi stopped the overlapping protesting. "Young ears." Sammi looked at Liam. "Doors will be locked at 10:00,no exceptions. Things are changing around here. Should have changed years ago." Sammi said, sipping her coffee.

"10:00? Laim stays up later than that." Debbie argued. "Don't try me on this. It's gets cold out there on the streets late at night. Believe me,I know." Sammi said, trying to imitate the kids but failed. "Ugh! Whatever. I got to shop,get ready for school." Debbie said, standing up and putting her plate in thesink.

"School doesn't start for two more days." Sammi told her. "Yeah,middle school starts in two days. High school starts tomorrow." Debbie explained. "Tomorrow's your first day of high school? Oh sweetie, are you scared?" Sammi asked as she hugged Debbie.

"No." Debbie said. "I hated ninth grade. Almost got raped by the entire wrestling team ny first day. Never should have worn a tank top without a bra." Sammi said. "You should dress dowdy like that again tomorrow - be safer that way. Oh,oh,oh. And don't forget to pee before you leave home. Bathrooms are a nightmare. Ukrainian girls beat me up my first week because I didn't have any cigarettes. Last time, I went to the little girl' room without a pack of virginia slims." Sammi told her.

"You need any money for school supplies?" Sammi asked. "I can loan you a few dollars until Friday if you do." Sammi said. "No,it's fine. I have stuff from last year,thanks." Debbie said. "Carl,Carla,honey,you need any money for school supplies?" Sammi asked them.

"Nah,we're just gonna steal stuff from the weaker kids." Carl told her. "Steal some stuff for chuckie too. Would you please,sweetie?" Sammi asked as she watched Frank eat a soggy piece of French toast.


The twins,Debbie,Lip, Fiona,and sammi, all stood in the kitchen while chuckie sat at the table. "He took Yevgeny last night?" Debbie asked. "Late,yeah." Fiona replied. "Did you try calling his phone?" Carl asked. "Yes,he's not answering." Lip said. "Who's ianzthe one with the red hair?" Chuckie asked.

"Yes, sweetie,he's the gay one with all the problems." Sammi told her son. Everyone looked at her as she said this. "His being gay doesn't have anything to do with his problems." Fiona said. "I-I did say gay was a problem,just that he is gay and has problems." Sammi said. "He left like 18 hours ago. He could be anywhere by now." Debbie checked the subject.

"Maybe he's in Colorado." Carl said. "Colorado? Why would he be in Colorado?" Lip asked. "Free weed." Carla said. "Not free,idiot. Legalized." Debbie told her. "Shouldn't somebody call the police?" Sammi asked.

"No!" Everyone shouted at her. Sammi put her hands up in defense as there was a knock on the door. "Weeds ate free in Colorado?" Chuckie asked as Fiona went to answer the door. "Uh-Huh. That's right,sweetie." Sammi said.

Everyone followed Fiona as she opened the door.  "Oh,Jesus." Fiona said. "We need to talk." Jimmy said as he walked into the house. "No,we don't." Fiona told him. Jimmy made eye contact with Lip. "What the fuck is he doing here?" Lip asked.

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