98|Weirdo Gallagher Vortex

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Carla stood beside Carl while he put ashes from a grill at a park into an urn. Carl blew the extra ash while they started walking.

The twins walked in silence all the way to an old woman's house. "Here you go,miss Riley." Carla said while Carl handed the urn to the woman. "We can assure you,there was no suffering." Carl added.

"Bless you,sweet children." Miss Riley said. "Sparky's in a better place." Carla said while Miss Riley hummed in response before she closed the big door and Carl shut the screen door.

Back at the Gallagher house,Carla sat on the bottom step of the basement stairs while Carl brushed the real Sparkys fur. "Don't worry,Sparky. I'm gonna he with you here till the end." Carl spoke to the dog.

Carla watched as Carl read to the dog. She watched him feed milk to a dog through one of Franny's bottles. "You're enjoying this way too much." Carla said,standing up and walking upstairs.


Carla laid on David's chest on his bed. "So,tell me what it is Carl is doing?" David asked,solfty running his fingers through Carla's hair.

"Carl volunteered at this place called,Soothing Horizon,where they kill dogs,but instead of helping kill them,he takes them to our house and put them in our basement. He feeds them with my niece's bottles,he reads children books to them,and he even talks to them." Carla said.

"Feel like he's gone crazy." Carla added. "No offense, but he sounds like he has." David said. "No offense taken." Carla chuckles. "Okay,change a subject...uh," David thought about what to say.

"Uh." Carla mocked. David chuckled. "Sorry,it's just we never really got to know each other." He looked down at the girl on his chest,who looked back up at him. "No,it's okay." Carla said.

"But anyway,what's your dream job?" David asked. "Police officer." Carla said with hesitation. "Really?" David rasied an eyebrow. Carla nodded. "You?" She asked. "Uh,I guess I never thought about it. But probably,a paramedic or something." David said.

Carla looked at the notification on her phone from carl. "Oh,I better go. Carl." Carla said, putting her clothes on. "Okay." David said. "Bye." Carla said,giving David a quick kiss before rushing out of his house.


"Car--- Why do you have a dog? Wait,stupid question." Carla said, petting the dogs head. "I think I got a way of me getting into West Point." Carl said with a big smile on his face.

"Really? Without community service?" Carla asked. "Yes. I think I got V to help me." Carl said. "Really, that's awesome,Carl." Carla said. "Please take this dog." Carl said, putting the dog into Carla's arms.

"Hi, doggy." Carla said, petting the dog. "But if V helps me, this will help my future and maybe yours." Carl said. "You think we both could get into West Point?" Carla asked with a hopeful look in her eyes.

"Maybe." Carl said. Carla suddenly vomited almost on Carl's foot. "Sorry." She said,wippping her mouth. "You alright?" Carl asked. "Yeah,I don't know what that was." Carla said, confused.


Carla sat next to Carl in Wubby's office. "Lenora....obviously think very highly of you both." Wubby said. "Yes,sir. So..." Carl said. Wubby opened a draw and pulled out two envelopes.

"I know of no finder candidates for admittance to West Point than Carl and Carla... Gallagher." Wubby said, hanging the twins the envelopes. The twins stood up and took the envelopes.

"Damn,right,you don't." V said,glaring are Wubby. The twins smiled happily at Veronica.

Word count:620
A/n:short chapter,sorry.

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