63|Going Once, Going Twice

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"Surprise! It's me again,cousin Fiona,hoping you can explain the eviction notice from the sheriff's department. 'Cause we do pay our rent. So if you can call us back when you have a minute, thar would he swell. Thanks,Patrick." Fiona said over to phone.

Carla poured herself some cereal and coffee as she sat down next to Lip at the table. "Seventy-two hours of vacate the premises." Lip said. "What happened to our flour?" Ian asked. "Debbie used it as an imaginary baby." Fiona explained.

"Yo. Chef Boyardee,any chance you can help Fiona deal with Patrick?" Lip asked Ian. "No. Working later. What about cinnamon?" Ian asked. "Huh?" Fiona asked. "I'm baking cookies." Ian explained as he looked through the cabinet. "Why?" Fiona asked.

"For the firehouse. I think they deserve our support." Ian said. "And today is the day to thank them?" Fiona asked. "I bet the Hondurans have flour." Ian said, completely ignoring what Fiona said as he walked out the backdoor, and Sean came downstairs.

"You know,We got into some shit at school, and I think he's pissed at me." Lip said. "Please,he's been angry with me for weeks." Fiona said. "You get ahold of your cousin?" Sean asked. "Gonna have to get in his face." Fiona told Sean.

"Well,I'll drive you." Sean said as he tied his shoes. "You don't have to get involved." Fiona said. "I know." Sean said. "You sure you don't need me?" Lip asked. "No. Go on your trip,we have it handled." Fiona told him.

"Okay." Lip said as she stood up,kissing Carla's head. "Lip's professor is taking him to an academic conference." Fiona said. "It's for fun." Lip said, putting his jacket on. "She teaches critical theory,nothing to do with engineering." Lip said

"It'll look good on your transcript,a conference on whatever. " Fiona said. "Uh,the Orgin of Feminist Rhetoric in Postwar Europe." Lip explained. "You need help with that,call me." Sean told him as Ian walked back inside.

"Got it. Do we have any baking soda?" He asked but didn't get an answer. Ian scoffed, "Guess not." He said.


Carla met up with the kid in her history class,Jayden. "Hi." She said as she got into his car. "Hey." He smiled sweetly. "You've been to this arcade?" Jayden asked. "Once. When I was probably 7 or 8." Carla replied as Jayden started driving.

"So what's did your brother do to get put in juvie?" Jayden asked. "Uh,he got rated by our nephew for selling drugs." Carla explained."Damn,that's harsh." Jayden looked over at Carla before turning back to the road.

"I guess. But we didn't hang out just to talk about my brother. Did we? Cause he's not all that everyone thinks he is." Carla said as she played with her fingers. It was a nervous habit of hers.

"No,of course not." Jayden said as they pulled outside the arcade. Jayden paid for Carla's tickets to play games.

The two played games for a few hours before they both got bored, and Jayden took her to a lake, and they sat on a bench that faced towards it. "You smoke?" Carla asked, taking a joint and lighter out of her pocket.

"Yeah." Jayden nodded as Carla sparked the joint and took a drag out of it. She handed it to Jayden as he repeated her actions.

The two passed the joint back and forth until it became a roach, and Carla put it out. "You-You know the funny thing." Carla laughed. "I'm Fourteen, and I've never been in a real relationship,but my older sister,whose fifteen and she's pregnant." Carla threw her hands up.

"Really?" Jayden asked as they laid on the ground and looked at the blue sky. "Yeah. And she wants to keep it." Carla said. "No, I mean, you really never had a real relationship before?" Jayden turned and looked at Carla, who looked back at him.

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