42|Iron City

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Carla rested her head on Carl's shoulder, watching whatever was playing on the small TV on the wall as everyone sat in the lobby of the hospital. "They probably took her to District Six for booking. That's where they usually take you before they transfer you to county. She's gonna need a lawyer. You got anyone you want us to call? Lip?" Kevin asked, breaking the silence.

"Yeah?" Lip asked, not looking away from the doors. "Is there a lawyer you want us to use?" Kevin asked again but didn't get an answer. "I used a guy on Calumet a couple of years ago for that DUI thing I had,you know? He smells like  dirty dish towels, but if you breathe through your mouth,it's bearable." Kevin added.

"Fiona Gallagher?" A doctor asked. Lip immediately stood up. "Phillip Gallagher." He said. "Is Fiona here?" The doctor asked. "No." Lip shook his head as everyone else stood up, and the twins moved seats to see better. "Will she be back?" The doctor asked. "No,not soon. I'm Liam's brother." Lip said. "Is there another parent or legal guardian available?" The doctor asked again.

"No. Is Liam gonna be okay?" Lip asked."I'm sorry. I really need a responsible adult present to - " the doctor started. "Look,my mom is bipolar drug addict who split years ago, and my dad is a drunk, and the cops just hauled Fiona off to jail,okay? Look, I'm the only thing that passes for a responsible adult that you're gonna find. Now,how is Liam?" Lip explained.

"Your brother came in with acute cocaine toxicity. Disoriented,hallucinating, and with a dangerously elevated heart rate. He's on Naloxone for his altered mental status and benzodiazepine to control his seizures." The doctor explained. "Seizures?" Debbie asked. "We're monitoring his temperature, his heart rate, and his glucose levels, but he has started to settle down." The doctor added. "Can we see him?" Veronica asked.

"I'm sorry. Only immediate family members over 18 are allowed in the PICU." The doctor said. "Go. We'll stay here with the twins and Debs." V told Lip as she sat back down. Carla watched as Lip walked away with the doctor.


Carla laid awake in her bed, Veronica had brought the kids home a few hours ago, and she offered to stay with them while Kev stayed at the hospital with Lip.  Carla stared at the hall. She then sat up and looked over at Debbie's bed, which had Debbie sleeping in it.

Carla's feet touched the cold ground as she stood up and quietly walked downstairs "Hey,kid why aren't you asleep?" V asked as she took a slip from her beer. "Couldn't sleep." Carla shrugged, "well it's almost 5:00." V informed "really?" Carla asked as she yawned.

"Yeah." V nodded. Carla laid her head in her arms that sat on the counter, "Go upstairs and try to get some sleep." V told her. Carla nodded and walked upstairs and into the boy's room. She laid down on  Ian's bed. She laid there for a while before actually falling asleep.

A few hours later, Carla woke up but stayed lying down and staring at the wall. She then heard the front door shut. She yawned and stood up. She used the bathroom and started to walk downstairs but then stopped to listen in on Kev and Veronica's conversation.

"Should we be getting them ready for school?" Kevin asked."They didn't get to bed until 2." V explained. "I don't even remember seeing Laim,do you? Was he down here the whole time, and I just didn't notice him? " Veronica thought out loud.

"I don't know. It was a Gallagher pop-up party. Booze wad flowing. Noise was noisy. There was a lot of shit going on." Kevin said. "Yeah." V said quietly. "I should have noticed him. Kept an eye on him." V added. "It's not our kid. It's not our job to watch him." Kevin said.

"It is our job. With Lip off at college and Ian running away,Fiona can't keep track of these kids all by herself." V told him. "Look,I'm not saying it's her fault. I'm just saying that it's not ours either. It's nobody's. Shit happens." Kev said. "What's gonna happen with our babies?" V asked.

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