55|Uncle Carl

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Carla slept underneath Carl's bed but got rudely awoken by chuckie's arm hitting her in the face. "Okay. Rise and shine!" Sammi exclaimed as she shook chuckie awake, and Frank groaned and sat up. "Ian's coming home from the cuckoo's nest this morning. So let's all make a little effort to make him feel welcome." Sammi told everyone.

"Yes,dear. Good thinking." Frank said. "Breakfast in five." Sammi said, walking out of the room. "My mom shot you." Chuckie said. "Yes, she did." Frank said. "I don't get why. Just don't use her face for target practice." Carl said, jumping off him bed. "Because prison is no place for a man with naturally tight gluten." Frank said, putting on his pants.

"Skank bitch did it to you. It'd just be self-defense." Carla said standing up. "Not after the fact. And,kids, it's important to know the difference between a skank bitch and a deranged psychopath. Your sister Sammi is the latter." Frank said.

"So?" Carl asked. "So,when you have a skank bitch in your house you stand up to her. You push back. Eventually, she leaves. But with a psychopath,you have to take a different approach. But in the end,she will crawl back to the syphilis-ridden gutter from whence she came,and I will reclaim my bedroom and my life." Frank explained.

"She started the war,but I'll win it." Frank said. "War! Boom,boom,boom!" Laim exclaimed. "That's right,my little eggplant. Boom,boom,boom. Boom,indeed." Frank told him as Carla walked into her room and changed into low waisted jeans and a t-shirt she stole from carl.

"Off to deal drugs on a Saturday morning?" She heard Frank ask when she walked out of her room."Yep." Carl said. "Impressive work ethic,son. You do your old man proud." Frank said as the twins walked downstairs.


Carla skated down the road by herself while Carl talked to G-dogg. She was trying to do a kick flip but failed multiple times. Blood started to flow down her leg. She skated down to the Alibi Room.  "Hey kev." She said. "Hey carly. What happened to your leg?" Kev asked

"Skateboarding." Carla held her skateboard up. "Come back here,I'll clean you up." Kevin said. Carla walked behind the bar counter. "Wow, a twelve year old gets to go back there, and I don't?" Tommy asked. "I'm thirteen." Carla corrected him.

Carla flinched as kev cleaned the blood off her leg and put a bandage around the cut on her knee. "Be careful on the skateboard." Kevin told her. "I will. Thanks, kev." Carla said. "Of course,see you, Carla." Kev kissed her head before Carla left,

Carla skated back home at the same time Carl arrived at the house. They walked into the backdoor. "Hey,where you been?" Fiona asked the twins. "Ian home?" Carl asked, ignoring the question. "Yeah." Fiona said. "Sweet." The twins said simultaneously as they walked upstairs.

Carla sat on Liam's bed as she watched Carl put some things into his backpack. Ian looked at the twins and then laid back down. "Sorry. Didn't mean to wake you." Carl whispered as Ian sat up. "You got any water?" Ian asked.

Carl grabbed a Gatorade bottle and handed it to him. "Thanks." Ian whispered. "What's if feel like to be crazy?" Carla asked. "Um,like I'm under a wet blanket...and cotten mouth." Ian explained as he took a drink of the Gatorade. "Why give you shock therapy?" Carl asked.

"No." Ian said. "Could be me next,you know. Do you ever think about painting yourself and running around naked? I think about that. Or flying? I dream about that." Carl said. "That doesn't make you crazy you know." Ian told him.

"What about pushing someone on the tracks when the train's coming? Have you ever thought about that?" Carla asked. "No." Ian said. "I heard about some guy that thought he had x-ray vision and could see girls' titties through their clothes. Maybe it's not that bad." Carl said as he put his backpack back on. "Have you ever been to Michigan?" Carl asked suddenly.

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