94|A Gallagher Pedicure

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Carla walks downstairs behind Ian and Liam. "Morning." Ian said. "How's Debbie?" Carla asked. "Says she's all right. I'm gonna go pick her up at the hospital." Fiona said. "That your lawsuit?" Ian asked.

"Yeah. Fuckers. Morning,Liam." Fiona said. "Liam,you okay?" Fiona asked after Liam didn't answer. "Well,Carl and Kassidi were banging all night,so we didn't get any sleep." Ian said as he poured coffee into his and Carla's cups.

"Can't stop love." Frank said. "Proud of my Carl for putting a ring on that one. Little minx is loaded." He said as Lucas,Sierra's son,walked downstairs after Ian and Carla sat at the table.

"Morning." Fiona said. "Morning." Lucas said. "Who the hell are you?" Liam asked. "Lucas. My mom is Sierra." Lucas said. "What are you doing here?" Fiona asked. "My mom and I slept here." Lucas told her.

"What is that,Frank?" Carla asked. "The final piece of my retirement plan." Frank said. "Chicken livers?" Ian asked. "And...my social security benefit package." Frank said as he opened a wallet.

"Mr.,um....Jerome Wessels is retiring today." Frank said proudly. "Who?" Ian and Carla asked simultaneously. "Uh,a guy that sat next to me on the bus six years ago. Between my T-shirt business and a few monthly checks from Uncle Sam,I should have a nice retirement." Frank said.

"So long as I get to live with one of my loving children." Frank added. "No." Fiona,Ian,and Carla all said together. "I'd pitch in. Laundry,general housekeeping,like having a live-in maid who speaks English." Frank told them.

"You should just die now,Frank,save everyone a lot of trouble." Fiona said. "Mr.Wessels will kick in his share. So will,uh,Jamie Ramirez and Mr. Mark Wilcox." Frank said

"Not a chance." Fiona said. "Seriously? I give you life, and you turn your back on me in my old age? You're breaking the social contract,the very purpose of family." Frank said as Ian stood up, still reading the Bible.

"In Asian culture,the elders are revered." Frank said. "That's a great idea. Move to Asia." Ian said as Fiona stood up. "You're really stealing Social Security cards?" Carla chuckled.

"No,I just happened to fine these in a bag of liver in our freezer." Frank said sarcastically as Carl walked downstairs. "You really got married?" Fiona asked Carl, who signed when Fiona slapped his cheek.

"Well,she was freaking out about me going back to school." Carl said. "So your solution was to marry her?" Carla asked as she took a sip of her coffee. "Thing just kinda happened." Carl said.

"Morning,Fam." Kassidi said, making Carla inaudibly groan. "You're both idiots." Fiona spoke aloud. "Fiona,can I get a ride to the church?" Ian asked. "Sorry,Ian,I gotta go to the ER and pick up Debbie,and then I gotta try to talk some sense into this asshole in my apartment who's suing me." Fiona said.

"Hey,what happened to Debbie?" Carl asked."she hurt her foot last night at work. She says it's no big deal." Fiona explained. "Good luck." Ian said as Fiona left. "Gracias,Señor Ramirez." Frank said.


"Why aren't you ever home?" David asked as he sat next to Carla at his table. "You know how i was tell you my twin brother got married?" Carla asked, which David nodded. "Well,ever since all they've been going is fucking,every single night." Carla said as she took a a bite out of the toast and jam David made for her.

"You could stay in my guest room till you go back to military school. My parents get home late." David said. "You sure?" Carla asked as she put one of her knees to her chest and rested her chin on it.

"Yeah, for sure. I'll show you the guest room." David nodded his head towards the stairway, and Carla followed him up the steps. David showed Carla around his house, which was pretty simple to the Gallagher house, but only 3 rooms instead of 4.

"My room's just at the end of the hall,bathroom on your left,my parents' room on the right, and the guest room is right here." David said, opening the door to the guest room to show a full-size bed,a dest next to it, a closet,and a storage bin in front of the bed.

"It's nice." Carla said. "We'll whenever you'd like to crash here,just text me." David said. "Thanks." Carla said with a general smile. "Of course." David said, returning the smile.


Carla and David walked down the sidewalks when they saw Carl and Kassidi walking together. "There's my brother and his newly wedded wife." Carla said as they walked towards the couple.

"Well,why is it so important for you to know what it's like to live on the street?" Carl asked when Carla and David walked up to them. "Cause you grew up free. I grew up trapped in an 8,000-square-foot suburban prison. Cable fucking TV,cheerleading camp,cross country,and mom always ragging on me to study." Kassidi told Carl.

"And for what? So I could end up like them? I mean,they're miserable. Please." Kassidi said as she put her head on Carl's arm as Carl chuckled. Carla looked at David with furrowed eyebrows, which David shrugged as they continued to walk with the couple.

"Well,this is it." Carl said. "This is where my first shop was." Kassidi smiled as she looked around. "Selling crack? That is so cool." She said as a guy walked out. "Yo,you gotta buy or walk. This is my corner." He said.

"I used to work this corner. Where's G-dogg?" Carl asked. "That's his brains, right there..." The guy said, making Kassidi gasp, then chuckled. "...that dark spot." The guy continued as they four of them turned their heads to the road.

A car engine reved, and the tiers squealed as it turned the corner. "Damn!" The darker male exclaimed as he ran off. "Shooter! Down!" The twins exclaimed simultaneously. "Get down!" Carl exclaimed as Carl pulled Carla and Kassidi down, and Carla pulled David down with her right as they gunshots went off.

The tiers squealed as it turned another corner as it drove away. Kassidi gasp. "Oh,my God! They shot at us!" Kassidi exclaimed excitedly as she sat up. "This is epic!" Kassidi said as she put her camera on and took a picture.

A couple minutes later, they continued their walk and found themselves outside the twins' first group home. "This is it,first group home." Carl said. "John Mckimmry chased us around the basement with a hatchet on his birthday." Carla said laughing at the memory.

"Carl? Carla?" Benson asked, making they four turn around. "Benson?" The twins asked simultaneously as Carl laughed. "Hey man." Carl said as he dapped up Benson,Carla doing the same.

"This is my wife,Kassidi. This is Benson. We used to live here together." Carl told Kassidi. "Well,I still do." Benson said. "Oh,no shit." Carla said,surprised. "Yeah,nobody ever claimed me." Benson chuckled awkwardly.

"Oh,wow,I'm sorry, man." Carl said. "How long have you lived here for?" Kassidi asked. "My whole life." Benson said. "My mom left me in a dumpster behind the Save-A-Lot when I was a baby." He explained as he scratched behind his ear and chuckled softly.

"Heard you two were in the army or some shit." Benson said, changing the subject. "Yeah,we're a cadet Corporal over a Millberry Military Academy." Carl said. "That's dope. Wow. What are you doing back here?" Benson asked.

Carl looked at Kassidi before looking at Benson. "We came home for the summer. We go back in a week." Carla answered quickly, which caused Kassidi to scoff.

"Man,you guys got it all figured out." Benson said as Kassidi walked away. "Well,I gotta get back before they put lunch away. Snackables today. I love those little cheese wedges. Well,later." Benson said as he walked inside the group home.

"Hey,baby,wait!" Carl called out as he walked after Kassidi. "And,that's out cue to leave." Carla said,walking the opposite direction of Carl and Kassidi.

Halfway back to David's house, Carla's phone began to ring. "Hello?" She answered. "Carla. I'm not going back to school." Carl said, and a confused look appeared on Carla's face as they walked into David's house.

"What do you mean you're not going back to school?" Carla asked. "I told Kassidi I wouldn't go and I'd stay with her." Carl explained quickly. "Oh my fucking God,Carl." Carla groaned as she rubbed her forehead in frustration.

"Look,I know it's dumb but I love her." Carl said. "Mm-hmm sure you do." Carla said before hanging up. "You alright?" David asked. Carla sighed heavily before nodding as they sat on the couch.

Word count: 1510
A/n : idk how to end this chapter either

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