39|Like Father, Like Daughter

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The twins sat on an old couch that was outside with Frank. "Oh,God." Frank groaned."You okay,dad?" Carl asked.."Yeah. Yeah,yeah. I'm fit as a fiddle. Except I ran out of Perky Cs last night." Frank said. "Is there anything we could do?" Carl asked.

"Get more." Frank said.  The twins' attention went onto the white trailer house as a blonde girl came out of it. "Is that her?" Carla asked she assumed  the blonde's son followed her out of the trailer. "So that's my daughter. Wow, she's kind of beautiful." Frank said.

"Looks like you in skank form." Carl said,"Thank you, son." Frank told him. "Does that make me an uncle and Carla an aunt?" Carl asked."Yes,indeed." Frank said. The twins stood up. "Now what?" Carl asked. "Well... I give her a taste of the old Gallagher magic. You....you got any cash?" Frank asked.

"Sheila gave us $40 for groceries." Carla explained."Well,hand it over. I need weed." Frank told them the twins just stared at him. "Kids,I can hardly walk. I think ambulation takes precedence." Frank said. The twins dugged in their pockets and pulled out the money. "What will we eat now?" Carl asked as they handed him the money.

"Well, you're both bright kids. You'll figure out something." Frank told them. "All right. Here. There's enough for bread and TP. Shoo. Get hard drugs. Make daddy proud." Frank told them after he handed Carl some money, and the twins walked away.


The twins sat on Veronica's couch while she showed them ultrasound pictures of their triplets. "This one looks like kev. This one looks like me.  And this one either looks like my cousin Troy or Marvin Gaye." V said.

"Yeah,we just came here for the painkillers." Carl said. "Uh-Uh. If you think I'm gonna load you up on my hard-won,top-shelf pharmaceuticals pro Bono,you are one fry short of a happy meal. No freebies,not you for you,anyone." V told them.

"You're changing me for drugs now?" Carl asked."Honey,we are in survival mode." Veronica said. "What happened to ghetto nurse?" Carl asked."She became a capitalist." Veronica said as she put her jacket on.

"We could sell for you. Big market for Oxy in middle school." Carl offered. "No. Vamoose. I got to get ready and go to the bar. Go." V pulled the twins up by their jackets.

"Bye!" The twins waved as they watched V leave. Carl quickly looked around before grabbing Carla's arm and running into an alleyway , opening Veronica's kitchen window , helping Carla climb inside, and then climbing in himself.

Carl sighed when he saw that V had locked up the pill cabinet. "Well, it was worth a try." Carla shrugged.


Carla walked beside Carl while he pushed Liam in a supermarket she watched him put vaseline in his jacket, then he grabbed a box and put it behind Liam's head. "Here." He said quietly as he handed Carla  lighter fluid. Carla hid it in her jacket as well.

The two hid a bunch of food stuff their jackets.

Carl put the toilet paper on the cash register for the lady to scan. "This all you go?" She asked. "Nope. Got a tighter roll of quarters behind my fly with your name on it. If you play your cards right." Carl flirted poorly with a smirk.

"That your kid?" The lady asked. "Yep. Not afraid to knock a bitch up. You game?" Carl asked. Carla put her head in her hands, listening to her brothers words. "Please stop talking." The lady said as she bagged the toilet paper.

"Groceries have been gotten. Now, all I need is drug money. Any ideas?" Carl asked as they walked out of the store. "Could sell Laim." Carla pointed at the kid. "Doggy." Laim babbled as he pointed at a white dirty looking dog.

"Doggy." Laim babbled again. Carla walked towards the dog, taking out her knife and cutting the leash off the pool, then walking away with Carl and Liam.

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