70|Sleep No More

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Carla,like she has been for a whole week,woken up by Franny crying,but she couldn't do anything about it. It was a baby, after all.

Carla walked downstairs. "Kid's got a set of lungs." Frank said. "Yeah,try staying in the same room as it." Carla said as she poured coffee into a mug. "How about a cup?" Sean asked after he saw Frank drink out of the milk carton.

Frank shook his head as he swallowed. "I'm good." He said. "Not everyone wanted your microbes in his food." Sean said as Frank put the milk back. "Are those my drawers?" Sean asked.

"How long do you think she can go for?" Fiona asked. "She stopped for,like,a half hour last night." Lip said. "Best half hour sleep I've gotten all week." Carla said.

"I'm glad I moved back home. Wouldn't wanna miss this." Lip said, taking the milk out of the fridge. "Sounds like a hunger cry. Debs might not be producing enough milk. She might need a supplement with formula. Someone should tell her." Fiona said.

"Not you?" Sean asked as he poured coffee into Fiona's cup. "It's none of my business. She's made that abundantly clear. She's not sleeping,eating, and showering. I wish she'd let one of you just hold the baby." Fiona said.

"Maybe she's got that postpartum thing. You know,when girls go feral in corners and gouge anyone's eyes out who gets to close." Lip said as Carla sat at the table next to Liam.

"What are those things called that guys wear at weddings? The flower thing?" Fiona asked. "Uh... yeah,boutinnieres." Sean said as they walked into the living room. "Lip and Ian get them,right?" Fiona asked.

"Yeah." Sean chuckled. "I gotta meet with the florist. Figure out what I'm ordering." Fiona said. "If they're walking you down the aisle,they get them. And ushers,groomsmen -" Sean began.

"Woah,woah. My daughter will be accompanied by her father as she ambles to the altar." Frank said. "Her who?" Fiona asked. "Oh! Do you mean that deadbeat that consistently fails to take care of his family?" Fiona asked.

Carla walked into the living room. "I may not have been present for your first steps,or your first lost tooth,or your first blow job,but as patriarch,I'm entitled to my traditional place of honor next to you for your big day." Frank said.

"And it's my traditional right to ask said patriarch to pay for it." Fiona said. "Done." Frank said. "What?" Fiona asked. "Done. I'll pay." Frank said. "In money." Fiona told him. "Cash. Dinero. Greenbacks." Frank said.

"Well,you know,if you're catching up on dad shit,you can cover my tuition. Teach me how to ride a bike?" Lip asked. "I never had a sweet sixteen. Could throw me one after the wedding." Fiona told him.

"Had anyone seen Carl?" Fiona asked. "Uh... yeah,he left a half hour ago." Lip said. "At 6:00 in my morning? Did he say why?" Fiona asked. "To find somewhere to sleep without a screaming infant,maybe?" Lip suggested.

"All right,kid,let's go. Here we go." Frank told Liam. "No way. He's got head start." Fiona said. "That's where I'm taking him. A white rose for my boutinniere. Hey,which florist,what time?" Frank asked.

"The Armenian on Clarkm at 1:00." Fiona said. "See ya there." Frank said. It'd be funny if he actually showed up." Lip said. "What would be do? Pretend to reach for his wallet?" Fiona asked. "Frank owns a wallet?" Carla asked. "I can hear you." Frank said from in the kitchen.

"Those are my boots. Hey." Sean said. "Get used to it." Frank said as he and Liam left, out the backdoor. "Hey,Debs." Lip said as Debbie came downstairs carrying her baby. Debbie didn't answer she just walked past them and into the kitchen.

"Where you off to?" Fiona asked. "School. Missed a bunch. Gotta catch up." Debbie explained. "With franny?" Fiona asked. "Yeah." Debbie said. "Great. Have fun." Fiona said. "Yeah,I could take you. It's too cold to walk with a baby." Sean told her.

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