10|Nana Gallagher Had an Affair

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Carla sat up on Carl's bed when she saw lip lean over the edge of his bed listening in on Monica's and Roberta's conversation "so,how long you plan on us staying here playing house?" Bob asked."Did you see those kids' faces? Did you see the way they looked at me? " Monica asked.  even though their voices were muffled, you could still hear them pretty well through the thin walls.

"I'm not supporting seven kids. We get the DNA results tomorrow, and it'll prove Liam's not Frank's." Bob stated,"Shh!" Monica hushed her girlfriend, but I didn't work."That way, if the shit-head changes his mind, he can never try and take Liam back." Bob continued."Keep quiet. They're sleeping." Monica hushed her again."we are gonna make a great family, baby. I'm gonna take care of you, and Liam Luke Frank never could." Bob said. Their voices got quieter. "What are you doing, Lip?" Carla asked, rubbing her eye.

"Nothing,go back to sleep, carly." Lip said, lighting a cigarette as Lan sat up. Carla got up and went into Debbie's room following carl since Monica didn't bother to  tuck them in.

The twins sat in Debbie's room on Carla's bed. "It has to be E-6...it's the only spot left big enough for a carrier." Debbie told them "no it's not." Carl said,"You're lying." Debbie argued "yes it it. You're cheating again." She continued."No,I'm not." Carl back argued Carla didn't say anything she just laughed. "Carl,go back to your roomm Debbie,Carla go to sleep. School tomorrow." They heard Fiona's voice say threw the baby monitor. "We're almost done." Carl said.

"Did you guys brush your teeth?" Fiona asked."Yeah." The three said in sync,"Carl. Go. Now." Fiona ordered him. Carl and Debbie closed the game and got up "night Carl." Debbie and Carla said,"Night, Fiona. Love you." Carl said before leaving, "Love you, Fiona." Debbie said,"Love you too. Is Carla in your room?" Fiona asked "yes I am." Carla said "okay good love you." Fiona said,"Love you too." Carla said, laying down and going to sleep.

"And Debbie, no reading under the covers." Fiona's voice appeared again. Debbie sighed and turned her flashlight off.


The next morning, Monica was all over the place "Monica the twins need something from you." Lip pointed over to them "here." Carl said, handing her a note."What? What's this?" Monica asked as Carla handed her one as well."permission slip." Lip said, standing up."Oh,you're going to the aquarium. When?" Monica asked."Today. We need $10 each." Carla said, zipping her backpack up."What for?" Bob asked."admission fee." Carl said,"School doesn't pay for that?"  Bob asked.

"No. and their need money for food." Lip said,"Grab them an instant oatmeal and a pot-tart. Makes a great lunch." Bob ordered."Deb,what are you doing?" Monica asked as she rushed over to her."I'm looking for a poster board and markers. I'm running re-election." Debbie explained "Ian could you help her? If ya'll would tell me these things, the night before it'd be better in the morning." Monica stresses."I need 40 bucks." Lip said

"No." Bob said,"Bob,do you have a 5?" Monica asked "in my wallet. Where it's gonna stay." Bob told her as she struggled to feed Liam."Look,I need a new calculus textbook. I can get it used onky coat 20." Lip explained. "Where are our lunches?" Lan asked as he put his jacket on."Huh?" Monica turned around, "what is everybody looking at? Start spreading peanut butter on bread." Bob demanded. "Why don't you do it, you fa--" lan covered Carla's mouth and chuckled awkwardly.

"We're gonna be late." Carla said as she handed Lip the jelly from the fridge.

Monica handed them a paper sack. "we won't be here when you get home from school." Bob said,"Why?" Debbie asked."What?" Monica asked."Fiona always tells us why." Debbie explained,"None of your damn business, why." Bob told her,"Bob." Monica said,"Your mother told you to go,so go. " Bob ordered the family, "out." Monica said,"Go on, guys. I'll catch up." Lip told them. The rest of the siblings sighed and walked out.

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