43|Hope Springs Paternal

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Carla woke up to Debbie's alarm clock. "Jesus Christ,Debs, that sounds like a fucking jail." Carla said as she sat up. Carla watched as Debbie sat on her flood in front of a big sign that said 'virginity countdown' and sighed. "Oh my god, Debs." Carla groaned and laid back down.

The then watched Debbie run out of the room holding her stomach. Carla groaned and stood up and walked downstairs. "What are you cooking?" Carla asked Fiona. "Cookies." Fiona said as Debbie walked downstairs. " Do you have any sanitary pads?" Debbie asked.

"You got your period? That's wonderful." Fiona said. "I don't want to talk about it. Ever." Debbie told her. "I get it. I get it. We have some tampons upstairs bathroom,under the sink. You need me to walk you through -" Fiona started to say, "No. Nope. Why are you baking at 7 AM?" Debbie asked.

"My probation officer's coming today, and I'm freaking out. Is your room cleaning?" Fiona asked as she put cookies on a plate. "Why does our room need to be clean?" Carla asked. "She's gonna tear the joint apart, looking for anything that can get me in trouble." Fiona explained. "We only have,like,clothes and school stuff and makeup." Debbie said.

"Debs,carly,just do me thus one favor,okay? I can't take any chances." Fiona told them. "Well,we're not the ones who left the cocaine out." Debbie said. "Do it." Fiona ordered. "God." Debbie said as the Debbie went upstairs. "Get out." Debbie told Carl as he pushed her out of the way.

"Hungry." Carl said,"we have half a bag of cereal. Two packs of oatmeal and four frozen waffles. You need to clean your room before school. Get rid of anything that can make me look like a bad parent. Go. Now." Fiona told him. She then smacked the twins' hands as they tried to get cookies.

"Thoes are for my PO. Upstairs." Fiona ordered them. The twins groaned and walked upstairs.


The twins walked into the principal's office, shoving past kids. "Teacher told us to come down to the office." Carl said. "I wish I could say it's a pleasure to see you again,Mr and miss. Gallagher. Your handiwork?" The principal asked.

"We don't want to brag." Carla shrugged. "We have a problem." The principal said.  "They're the ones wirh the problem. Can't fight for shit." Carla said looking at the kids. "Why did you assault these all students?" The principal asked. "Talking smack about our brother." Carl explained.

"All of them?" The principal asked. "And that one's got stupid hair. That one smells like bologna farts." Carl said, pointing to kids,"and the one whose hand you smashed in a locker? And the one you pushed down the stairs?" The principal asked.

"Too short,maybe? I don't remember." Carla shrugged, "You're both hereby suspended from school. 8 AM,Friday morning,you will come back with a parent or guardian, and you both will apologize to all these children in the present of their parents, or your both suspended will last indefinitely." The principal told them.

"Which means?" Carl asked. "Expulsion." The principal said. "Which means?" Carla asked. "Go home,both of you. Come back with a parent. I can't wait to see who created you two." The principal said.

The twins walked out of the principal's office, shoving past kids again. "How are we gonna get Fiona to get to meet the principal?" Carla asked."I don't know." Carl shrugged as they grabbed their backpacks out of the lockers and walked home with Debbie.

"The twins got suspended." Debbie said as they walked inside. "Shut up,ass-brain." Carla said."What?" Fiona asked. "Hi,lip." Debbie said as she hugged him. "Hey,kiddo. How are you?" Lip asked."Hey bud." Lip said as he hugged the twins."Hey." They said.

"Um, we need someone to go to school with us Friday morning, or we'll expelled." Carl explained as the twins took their jackets off. "Well,I can't leave the house yet. They need to reschedule. Did you tell them I'm stuck at home?" Fiona asked. "No." The twins said simultaneously.

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