27| May I Trim Your Hedges?

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Carla laid awake on her bed. "Kids,breakfast!" She heard Fiona yell from downstairs. Carla got up stealing a hair tie from Debbie and walked downstairs, putting her hair into a messy ponytail.

"Morning. Hey V." Carla said."Hey carly." V said,"You alright?" Carla asked."Yeah, I just didn't get much sleep." V said, rubbing her eyes as Carla walked into the kitchen. "Kevin's wife went over to their house yesterday." Fiona explained.

"Oh,shit." Carla said, sitting down at the counter as she grabbed a bowl,cereal, and milk.


Carla leaned against the counter next to where Carl sat as a police officer talked to Debbie. "Can you describe the perb?" The police officer asked "red. Really,really red." Debbie said,"What like sunburned?" Lip asked."She's talking about his -" Fiona began to say.

"This guy, Debs. What did the guy look like? His face." Ian asked."How are you supposed to see his fave behind that giant,red,one-eyed - " Debbie said,"got it. Okay. You did great, miss. Thank you." The police officer said "yeah okay come on, Debs. Let's go get you a bomb pop or something,huh?" Lip asked

"Why didn't you stab him?" Mandy asked."Stab him? With what?" Fiona asked."You ride the city bus without a knife?" Mandy asked and walked behind lip,Debbie,Ian,and the twins as they went outside.

The twins sat in between lip and Ian on the couch as they looked at the laptop. "Holy shit." Mandy said," There are a lot of red dots." Lip said,"All those red dots are sex offenders in our neighborhood?" Debbie asked."Wait,check this out. Child rapist,three blocks over. Did five years and out on probation." Lip read. "How does a child rapist get five years?" Mandy asked

"He doesn't. He gets five years plus the beating of his life. Let's go." Lip said, standing up." I thought we were gonna fix the pool." Carl said."No,grab the bat."  Lip said,"Have it already. " Carla said, holding the bat up."Awesome." Carl said.

"You want help? My dad lobes a  good posse." Mandy said,"So we're just forgetting about the guy on the bus?" Debbie asked."Hell no. I'm gonna teach you self-defense,Milkovich style. Come on."  Mandy said."Yeah,let's go." Lip said.

"Yo,we're going to jump a pedophile. Do you wanna come?" Lip asked Jimmy as Ian and the twins walked outside, "carly, are you sure you don't wanna go with Mandy?" Ian asked."Hell no. I wanna beat a pedophile." Carla said with a bright smile.

The twins and Ian followed Lip into the Alibi "the fuck you want?" Terry asked "convicted child rapist just moved in down the street." Lip explained with very little details "let's get the boys." Terry said as they walked out of the Alibi.

The twins,Ian,lip,Terry,Mickey,and a bunch of random dudes walked down the road "the fuck is this little parade?" A man asked "kid fucker,next block." Terry explained putting out his cigarette.

Terry kocked on the door of the possible child rapist. The confused look drew across everyone's face when a blonde woman opened the door. "may I help you?" The woman asked."we're looking for Blake Collins." Terry said. The blonde sighed. "I'm Blake Collins." She said.

"Oh shit. You're the eight-grade teacher who screwed her student,right? You were on TV." Ian said."I didn't screw William. I loved him. And I did my time. I paid for my mistake. If love can be called a mistake. I'm sure there are real criminals you can beat up if you have the inclination. Now, please,may I close the door?" The lady asked "yeah. Yeah." Terry said as she closed the door.

"Shit. Let's go find a camel jockey." Terry said as him and everyone else left."Help the twins get home,all right?" Lip said as the twins walked away, and Carla handed Carl the bat.


Carla walked upstairs when she heard Carl asked "How did i ger cancer?"  She furrowed her eyebrows and listened more."You must have caught it from Grammy,son. If she knew she had the contagious kind... I don't think she would have spent so much time with you and Carla cooking meth. Honestly, I'm surprised Carla did get cancer as well." Frank said,"Am I going to die?" Carl asked.

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