8|It's Time to Kill the Turtle

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"I'm going to the store today." Fiona called out as Carla came out of Debbie's room from changing her shirt after getting mud and snow all over it. "Toilet paper. I'm starting to chfe from the streamers." Debbie said, then going downstairs "toothpaste. " Carla said, going into the bathroom as Carl put baking soda on both their toothbrushes for them to brush their teeth.

"Why are Steve's clothes down here?" She heard Debbie ask."Well,somebody couldn't wait to get upstairs last night." Lip said, holding Liam."we out of diapers?" Fiona asked, "Yeah,but I put a plug up his butt. Didn't I buddy? Oh,it's okay." Lip told Liam in a baby voice,walking in the bathroom."That towel's gonna leak." Fiona told him.

"Yeah,I'm on it." Lip said, sitting on the closed toilet seat."Ugh,so my SAT gig's a bust... but uh, I could scrape up some money another way if you need help." Lip told Fiona,"it's cool. I got 35 bucks." Fiona said, picking up the toys in the hallway "plus I'm picking up that temp check later. " she added."Okay." Lip said as Carl mimicked taser noises, pretending to tase Carla.

"Is that a taser? Where'd you get that?" Fiona asked."I let them borrow it. Hey Carla, help me out." Lip said as she helped him put an old pack of diapers on Liam. Lan poked his head out of the shower. "The twins got invited some place by normal kids." Ian informed then turned his head towards Fiona."Robbie Rebello's having a paint ball party." Ian explained "towel." Ian stuck his hand out as Fiona put a towel in it.

"Yeah,but they're not going,so I gave them a taser to play with." Lip explained as Carla fixed the old diape pack around Liam's waist."Don't worry,it doesn't work." Lip added "who's Candice?" Debbie called up."No idea. You aren't going?" Fiona asked the twins."No,it costs $27" Carl said. Fiona pulled out cash from her bra "here." She said as the twins face lit up."Awesome." They said together as Carla grabbed it."Don't fight over it." Fiona called out to them as they ran downstairs.

"Are we actually gonna go to Robbie Rebello's party? He's weird. He has a crush on Fiona." Carla asked as her and Carl walked down the road."Yes, this is the first time normal kids actually invented us to something we have to go. Don't worry, you know how to kick ass and if kicking someone's ass doesn't work, call me over, and I'll kick someone's ass. " Carl said, laughing a bit. Carla smiled and wrapped her arm around him, Carl doing the same.

The twins walked into school, ignoring everyone due to remembering their promise to their siblings that they'll stop hurting people. "Cheat off you in class?" Carl asked "yeah" Carla nodded.

Carla was somehow a tiny tiny bit smarter than Carl, and since their promise, Carla used the tiny smartness to raise both her's and Carl's grade up.


The twins happily walked in the house with bruises all over their faces. "Paint ball rocks." Carl said as Carla shut the door behind them."we had the best day of our lives." Carla added on."You wear a face guard?" Lip asked."Nope." The twins said simultaneously as they walked upstairs."You look badass." Carla laughed,"you do too. " Carl laughed as well. The twins heard the door open and then shut as they walked downstairs.

"We got high on sugar... because daddy quit drinking." They heard Debbie say,"whose daddy?" Fiona asked."Me daddy. Me,me,me. Mm. " Frank said, eating candy."Oh,shit." Lip said,"What?" Fiona asked, turning her attention to him."He's done this once before." Lip explained as the twins stood there confused."we gotta help Daddy stay busy and keep off of drinking... so he can make $3000." Debbie explained.

"Hey,everybody,come here. Gather around." Frank said as he put his hands on the twins' shoulders, making them walk in front of the couch."I got something I wanna say. Um... I know I haven't been the most exemplary father...for the past three or 15 years. But now I'm gonna need your help to get through this. From this point forward, we're going to be a family again. What the hell is that?" Frank asked as he made eye contact with a girl in a long dress that reached her ankles.

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