79|You Sold Me the Laundromat, Remember?

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Before the Sergeant woke everyone up, Carla woke up before the sun even had arose and went on a run around the big field. She ran around it and got back and changed right before Sargent woke everyone up.

In some weird and strange way,Carla was very energetic. By the time the female Sargent woke everyone up for roll call and breakfast, Carla was just finishing putting her belt on.

Carla stood behind Carl as everyone lined up for roll call. "Gallagher." The Sargent said. "Here." The twins said together. After roll call, everyone went to get breakfast.

The twins sat in the usual spot and ate in silence. "You look tired." Carl examined his twins' face. "Didn't sleep. Had a lot of energy. " Carla smiled as she sat the eggs. "You didn't sleep?" Carl asked. Carla shook her head as she ate.

Carl furrowed his eyebrows as he watched his sister eat. "Stop hooking up with that Diego kid?" Carl asked, making Carla's face tense. "Uh,yeah." Carla said dryly,her tone changing.

The whole day, Carla pushed herself and even missed lunch and dinner,and the more she pushed herself to train, the more Carl became confused. After dinner, Carl ran up to Carla as she pulled herself up on the bar as she did pull-ups.

"Carla,are you okay?" Carl asked. "Yeah,fine. Why?" Carla asked as she jumped down off the bar she held. "Well, you barely ate anything, and you said you didn't get any sleep." Carl said. "Like I said,I'm just energetic today." Carla said as she did push-ups.

Carl sighed as he kneeled down in front of Carla. "You need sleep and to eat carly." Carl said,making Carla sighed heavily as she stopped doing push-ups and sat on her knees. "Carl, it's none of you damn business if i eat or sleep. I'm fine. I did all the training today. I went to all my classes. So what if I didn't eat two fucking means?" Carla basically snapped

"Whatever. Just...come on." Carl said as he helped Carla up and walked her over towards the bunk room. "Night." Carla said. "Night." Carl said as Carla stepped into the bunk room and took a quick shower them changed into some pajamas she had packed.


The next morning,Carla was the last one up and ready. During roll call, Carl had to say she left her belt in the shower room last night and walked to get it.

Carl rushed to the girls' bunk room and walked inside. "Carla?" Carl asked as he saw Carla sitting on the top bunk with her legs swinging as they hung over the edge. "I'm ready. I ran 3 miles. Got the cook to make me breakfast early. Memorized the obstacle course through and through. All before 5:00." Carla said, not even looking at her brother.

"And I'm perfectly fine." Carla added as she jumped off the top bunk. She tucked her shirt into her camouflage pants. Carl couldn't help but chuckled. "What?" Carla asked as she put on the matching camouflage jacket.

"Last night,when you snapped at me. You reminded me of Monica." Carl said,"No,no,do not compare me with her. I'm nothing like Monica." Carla said as she shook her head as the two walked out of the bunk room.

"How do you think,Fiona and all them are doing?" Carla asked."I don't know. I tried to email them, but nobody answered." Carl said. "Weird." Carla said. "Honestly,I can't wait till visit them." Carla said.

"Yeah. Me too." Carl said as they walked into their first class. The twins sat in the back of the classroom as they copied notes. "Bruh,did you hear that some kids banged in the cafeteria the other night." Carla heard a kid say.

The more they talked, the louder they they got, and the more annoyed Carla got. Carl obviously saw Carla's jaw clenched as the kids got louder and more annoying,so he rested his hand on hers in a comfortable way.

It sorta helped, but Carla just couldn't tune out the kids as they talked or argued. Carla didn't know by their tone. "Jesus." Carla whispered as she closed her eyes in a way of trying to tune them loud.

Carla's leg bounced as she tried to ignore the kids. She continued to copy notes that the teacher wrote. Carla's arm shot up. "Yes,Gallagher?" The teacher asked. "May I use the restroom?" Carla asked Impatiently.

"Yes." The teacher said as Carla rushed out of the room. Carla sat on the closed toilet seat as she rubbed her forehead. "Carla? Are you okay?" Carl asked. "Yes! Jesus. I'm fine,okay." Carla said as she moved her hands in rage.

"Gallagher? " The Sargent asked. "Is she okay?" She asked Carl. "Uh yeah,she'll be fine." Carl answered for Carla. "If not, tell her to go rest she pushed herself far yesterday." The Sargent told him. Carl nodded as the Sargent walked away.

"Ca-Carla. Listen to me." Carl said as he put his hands on Carla's shoulders to stop her from pacting back, and forth. "Listen to her. Go back to the bunk room. Change into more comfortable clothes and get some rest." Carl told her.

Carla slowly nodded, "I'll check up with you later,okay? " Carl asked.Carla nodded again as she walked away.

Carla walked into the bunk room and took a deep breath as she grabbed a pair of scissors out of her bag and walked into the bathroom, and locked herself in there.

She stared at herself in the mirror before she grabbed a chunk of her hair and cut it off. She repeated the action as she cut her hair to shoulder length.

Carla took a shower and got into sweatpants and a gray t-shirt, and then she looked at her hair it wasn't bad, and in Carla's opinion, it looked really good

Word count:1033
A/n:At the top is what Carla's hair kinda looks like. Also, thank you guys for over 13k reads and over 100 votes. Thank you, guys. I really appreciate it

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