82|Happily Ever After

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Carla sat in the cafeteria, and while Carl got them breakfast, she stared at the cut on her hand. "Somewhat stale pancakes and thoes dry ass eggs you like." Carl said as he sat the plate down in front of Carla. "Thanks." Carla said.

"Oh,and coffee." Carl sat the cup in front of Carla. "Thank you." Carla said quietly as she ate the eggs. "You feel better than you did last night?" Carl asked as he sipped his coffee. "Yeah. Sorry for snapping at you." Carla chuckled.

"It's fine." Carl chuckled as well as they ate their breakfast. After breakfast, they walked into their first class. They sat in the back of the classroom as Carla played with her fingers.

Carla wrote what the teachers had put on the board,like she had been doing since they had gotten there.


Later that night,Carla sat on the top bunk that she slept on. She read over a book about becoming a cop as she moved to lay on their stomach. "What are you reading?" One of her roommates asked.

Carla showed her the book. "A cop huh?" Her roommates asked. "Yeah." Carla said as she continued to read. The girl,who lay on the bed next to hers on the top bunk as well,sat up and put her knees to her chest. "The whole time you've been here,I've never seen you read." She said.

"I hate to read. But my brother's ex-girlfriend's dad recommended this to me,he's a cop as well." Carla explained. "Why'd you come to military school then?" The girl asked. "All the slots at the training camp were reserved for 'students of color', so this was our next best option." Carla said.

The girl nodded. "I'm Zola
Ruth." She said. "Carla Gallagher." Carla said. "Here. So we can stay in touch when you leave." Zola said as she handed Carla a piece of paper with a phone number on it.

"This your number?" Carla asked. "Yeah." Zola nodded. "Cool. Thank Ruth." Carla said. "No problem,Gallagher." Zola smirked as she laid back down.

Carla smiled to herself  as she placed the paper in the book and put the book down before she fell asleep.

Word count:379
A/n:soooo.....Monica died...

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