21|Hurricane Monica

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Carla sat on the couch, her knee bouncing anxiously up and down as she watched Monica cook in the kitchen. Finally, she got up and followed Debbie into the kitchen, getting a headache from all the sobbing she did last night. "Grammy died?" Debbie asked, handing Liam to Carla."Debbie! Carla! Oh, Liam!" Monica said excitedly as she walked towards the two."Look at you,my little brown bear." Monica said, taking Liam out of Carla's arms.

"Oh,look how big you two are!" Monica said happily."How long is she staying?" Debbie asked "only forever and a day!" Monica said happily again. "Hey,are my camo pants still in the dryer?" Ian asked, coming downstairs. "Ian!" Monica exclaimed."The hell she is doing here?" Ian asked. "I asked your mother to come home." Frank explained.

"Oh,you live here now, too?" Ian asked."I made breakfast." Monica informed."No,thanks." Ian said,"your mom spent a lot of time making that breakfast. Sit down and eat it." Frank demanded."This is bullshit." Ian said, opening the door."Ian. Wait." Fiona said."Gonna wash his mouth out with soap." Frank said, closing the door behind ian.

"You can wash mine out. I wanna fart bubbles." Carl said, walking downstairs,"ew." Carla said laughing. "Oh,carlie!" Monica said. " Mom? And that's Carla's nickname." Carl asked, struggling to get out of her grip."You're so big!" Monica exclaimed."Come on, baby, I made you breakfast. Come here, Carla. Sit down and eat." Monica said.

Carla hesitantly sat down at the table next to Carl as Monica kissed her and Carl's head. "Where's Lip?" She asked. No one answered, just looked at each other.

The twins ran downstairs. "I spy doughnuts," they said. "Hey. Hey, check it out, Steve. It's a bloody butthole." Carl said as he stuck his tongue through the doughnut."Ew!" Carla laughed. Steve also laughed. "Awesome dude!" He examined rubbing Carla's head "school. Let's go." Fiona ordered.

"Lunch?" Debbie asked."Shit." Fiona said."we already had that for breakfast." Carla stated as she saw Fiona pick up a plate of pancakes."You know, sometimes astronauts have breakfast three times a day." Steve/Jimmy informed."Lip never came back after he blew out of here. Check at Karen's." Fiona told him.

"Karen's? Isn't she married?" Steve asked,"Aren't you?" Fiona asked."Technicality." Steve said,"Goodbye." Fiona pushed him out of the house."Oh,shuh sweet sorrow." Steve said in fake disappointment. "You gonna drive us?" Carla asked."Absolutely." Steve said "No he's not. I mean it, Steve. Stop coming around, " Fiona told him, opening the door and pushing him out.

"Who was that?" Monica asked," Coming downstairs. "Are you still gonna be here when we get home from school?" Debbie asked."Absolutely." Monica said,"I told you so." The twins told Debbie in sync."Shut up,you both didn't believe her either." Debbie said. "You know what I think? I think we should paint your room a new color today." Monica told Debbie and Carla,"Here,go. Now." Fiona ordered putting put lunches.

"Have fun at school." Monica said happily."Carl,Carla here." Debbie said, handing the tossing their lunches as they grabbed their backpacks and walked out the door.

"You really think she's gonna stay?" Carla asked." I hope so." Carl said as they walked down the sidewalks."What about Lip? Is he gonna come back?" Carla thought out loud. "He should come back he won't stay long wherever he is." Debbie said "oh its raining." Carl said, looking at the sky. "Cool." Carla laughed, putting up her hood.


Carla watched from upstairs Frank and Debbie dance to a song and laughed together, and she felt a small bit of jealously in her gut, "Carla!" Monica exclaimed when she saw the girl. Carla angrily wiped the tear that fell and stormed back into her room.

"Carly." She heard Fiona say,"Hmm?" She hummed, staring at the wall."You okay?" Fiona asked, sitting on the edge of her bed."mhm." Carla hummed again."You mad at Monica?" She asked."No." Carla said,"Frank?" Fiona asked. Carla just nodded. Fiona laied next to her and wrapped an arm around her torso. "Me too." She whispered.

The next morning, Carla woke up by herself and quickly got ready and left for school without eating breakfast. She quickly caught up to her brother. "Why are you late?" Carl asked." slept in." She shrugged.

"Ate breakfast?" Debbie asked."No. No time." Carla said. Debbie nodded.


After school, the kids walked in,kicked off their shoes, and Carla threw their bags onto the ground "Oh,shit Carl! I might have shrunk your jersey." Monica said as they walked into the kitchen."Oh hi. I thought you were Carl." Monica said to Hank,"mom,this is little Hank." Debbie introduced them."That's your mom?" Hank asked."Hey,handsome." Monica said while Carla internally cringed."I made some cookies. They're on the table." Monica told them.

"Did you pick up Grammy's body yet?" Debbie asked "no on yet, honey. It's expensive. Carla, you want a cookie?" Monica asked."No,not hungry." Carla said as she started to walk upstairs."You said that all day." Debbie informed. Carla ignored her comment and walked upstairs and into her room.

"What the fuck is this?" Carla asked herself as she picked up an outfit that looked like Monica's "No way in hell I'm wearing this." Carla said to herself. She walked out of the room and into the bathroom. "Oh honey, you look adorable!" Monica exclaimed happily as she saw her daughter in the matching outfit. "I'm not wearing this." Carla told her, pulling down the skirt and changing into jeans, leaving the shirt.

"Here." Monica said, holding her face and writing the number '88' on her cheek."Beautiful." Monica smiled and kissed her head.

"Go, Carl!" Carla yelled from the bleachers, and clapped. Carla's eyes lit up when she saw her brother Lip walk up and she run up to him, giving him a hug, which he returned plus a kiss on the head "come on sit with us." Monica told him as Carla sat back down next to Ian. "What? I'm off the boat for one minute, and fucking mutiny?" Lip asked "yeah well no one told you to get out of the boat." Fiona said "actually you did." Lip said

"Hey,Lip,don't be mad at Fiona. Come on." Fiona waved him over."Hey,Monica,shut up. Like most of my life,this has nothing to do with you." Lip said angrily."I sit?" Jimmy's wife asked."What?" Lip asked Carla, got up, and went onto the field.

"Good job, Carl!" Carla exclaimed, clapping when he hit a boy on the other team in the balls.


The twins,Debbie,and Hank all walked into the house. "we brought doughnuts and a bucket of chicken." Debbie announced."Oh, look what the cat drug in." Frank said,"Hey,what are you doing?" Ian asked, stopping Carl from hitting the bong, and lightly smacked his face."Hi!" Debbie exclaimed."Hey!" Steve's wife,Estefania, said as everyone danced around the living room. "This is not okay." Fiona said,"Aw, come on!" Frank exclaimed."Oh,Fi! Monica said, "Fi,would you just...?" Frank started but stopped when Fiona changed the music.

"Now it is!" Fiona exclaimed."Why the hell weren't we invited?" Veronica asked, walking in the house with Kevin."Oh,no!" Frank laughed. "Everybody shut up!" Monica exclaimed as she stopped the music "hey! Debbie would like to take this opportunity... to say a few words about Grammy Gallagher." Monica announced as she lifted Debbie up and put her on the coffee table.

"I guess what I'm going to say is that Grammy will be missed. And if she's watching right now... I want to know that we love her." Debbie said "to Grammy." Ian said, raising his beer bottle."Grammy!" Everyone shouted and raised their bottles or whatever they had in hand.

Ian picked up Carla and danced with her, making her smile and laughing along with him.


Carla shot up from her sleep after hearing the sounds of glass shattering and thuds. She ran downstairs into the kitchen to see Terry Milkovich on top of Ian punching his face "what the fuck Milkovich!" Monica yelled jumping on his back "get the fuck off me,you crazy bitch! This ain't about you!" Terry yelled, trying to get her off and punch Ian at the same time. "Frank! What did you do?" Monica asked.

"Why is it always my fault?" Frank asked "my,little,princess." Terry said in between grunts."Leave him alone!" Monica yelled, pulling Terry off of Ian. "My Mandy's pregnant! And this little shit is going to pay!" Terry yelled,"attaboy." Frank gave Ian a thumbs up as Carla ran to him.

Word count:1477

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