117|Debbie Might Be a Prostitute

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Carla rolled over going to throw her arm over David but he wasn't there. She sat up in confusion as she noticed that Mateo was standing in his crib. "Mateo,baby, where's daddy?" Carla asked as she picked him up.

Mateo shrugged as he laid his head on her shoulder. "Come on we gotta get you ready for daycare." Carla sighed as she carefully woke Emma up. "Come on baby." She picked up her daughter before getting both of them changed.

"Grandma's here come on." Carla told the twins as they walked downstairs where Rośa stood in the living room. "Thank you so much for taking the twins to daycare." Carla smiled tiredly.

"Of course, Carla. You know I love the twins." Rośa said as she took the twins' hands before leaving. Carla huffed as she walked back upstairs and got changed.

"All right pick your poison. Cereal or toast?" Lip asked when Carla walked into the kitchen. "Pass. Todd's biggest game of the season is today. Gotta stay sharp, stay hungry." Liam said.

"Shouldn't you be doing fun kid stuff this summer? Like Slip 'N Slide in the yard?" Tami asked, tilting her head slightly. "Talent management is fun, Tami. If it's the kill that you love." Liam said as his phone rang.

"Excuse me. It's the coast." Liam said, walking out of the kitchen. "Carly, cereal or toast. Gotta eat." Lip said, raising his eyebrows. "Toast, please." Carla said as she poured herself coffee.

Debbie walked downstairs. "Good. You're still here." She said. "Hey." Lip said as he handed Carla a plate of toast. "I need to talk to you." Debbie said.

"Uh,okay." Lip said. "I met this awesome woman last night at a hotel bar, right?" Debbie asked. "Okay. Yeah." Lip nodded. "Claudia?" Carla asked as she sat across from Tami. "Yes." Debbie nodded at Carla.

"She older than me, but not in a rape-y way. She's got this beautiful smile and these bright eyes and these sexy little Lisa Loeb glasses." Debbie rambled. "Debs. Hey." Lip said.

"So, anyway, we spent the night together last night." Debbie said. "Yeah." Lip said. "And then she gave me this." Debbie said, pulling out an envelope full of money.

"I'm really confused." Debbie admitted. "Why would she give me 1,000 bucks?" Lip chuckled. "Um..." Lip clicks his tongue. "I'm not. She,uh–" lip inhales deeply. "She thinks you're a prostitute." Carla finished his sentence.

"What?" Debbie's eyebrows shot up. "Yeah." Carla pressed her lips together and nodded. "But it was voluntary hooking up. I liked the sex. I think she did, too." Debbie said.

"Yeah. I like fixing bikes. But it's my job because someone gives me cash to do it." Lip said. "But we really hit it off." Debbie sighed as Fred began to cry. "It wasn't like gross sex worker situation at all." Debbie said.

"Who's a sex worker?" Tami asked as she went to go pick up Fred. "Debbie." Lip and Carla said in sync. "No. It was a misunderstanding. That will be cleared up immediately." Debbie corrected them.

"Okay." Tami said to Fred after she got him to calm down. "Tami." Debbie said. "Yeah?" Tami asked. "Could you wake Franny in 20 minutes and watch her till I get back?" Debbie asked.

"I can for a little while, but then I got to take Fred to daycare, get to work by noon." Tami said. "Cool. I owe you." Debbie said. Carla got up and placed her dishes in the sink as she leaned against it.

"Wait,wait,wait,Debs. How much do you owe her? Because you have to be clear about terms up front. You know?" Lip said. "Shut up, dick." Debbie said as she left.

Tami laughed as the door opened. "Oh, thank fuck you're here." Ian said. "Hey." Lip said. "I need to talk to you." Ian said as he ruffled Carla's hair. "You're popular this morning." Tami said.

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