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Carla got off the bed and quickly got changed into the uniform she left the bunk room. "I still can't get over why you cut your hair." Diego said,Carla sighed as she ignored him and stood behind Carl like she did every morning.

"Gonzalez." The Sargent called out. "Here!" Diego said. "Gallagher." The Sargent said. "Here!" The twins said simultaneously. "Damn,carls,any shorter, and you'll be looking like me." Carl joked as he messed up Carla's hair.

Carla chuckled. "Then we'd look like real twins." Carla joked back as they went to the cafeteria. "But seriously, how did you get your hair to look good just with scissors?" Carl asked. "Uh, not sure. Barbers make it look so easy." Carla said as they sat in their usual spot.

"Damn,maybe you should be a barber instead of a cop." Carl said. "No." Carla laughed. "Don't pay as much." Carla said as they ate their breakfast.

After breakfast,Carla and Carl walked over where everyone else was at. "More running. Yay!" Carla said with no enthusiasm. "That's hell week for ya." Carl said as everybody started running.

Carla counted every time her foot touched the ground. 2 times,4,6, 8,10,12,and so on. "Kids are still talking about the other day." Carl said as he ran next to Carla. "Yes. I know." Carla said.

Carla looked over at Carl, then at the kids behind and in front of them. "What to show these kids how to really run?" Carla asked with a smirk. "Like a cop chasing you?" Carl asked.

"Exactly." Carla said. They stopped for a second as they stretched their limbs before sprinting in front of the other people running. "Instead of running from the cops we'll be running with the cops." Carla said.

"Hell yeah, we are." Carl said with a smile as the two laughed as they continued to run in front of everyone.

Word count:335
A/n:short chapter. Losing ideas while the twins are gone at military school.

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