51|A Night to Remem... Wait, What?

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Carla sat on Ian's bed as she watched Carl look at himself in the body mirror as he put fake grills in. "You look stupidly ridiculous." Carla said, carl turned to her with an unamused look. "All right,my bad." Carla said, putting her hands up.

The twins walked downstairs. "I got to run." Carl said. "Huh,like you need to be somewhere." Debbie said. "While you're sitting on your lazy ass,I'll be at my job." Carl told her. "What job? And please eat more than just a Pop-tart." Fiona handed him a banana.

"I got haired at the fruit market." Carl lied, and Carla knew he was lying about his job. That's not really a job. "You only said that because she handed you a piece of fruit. What would you even do there? You can't even walk." Debbie pointed out as a man in a blue shirt, and dark hair came downstairs.

The twins looked at the man with furrowed eyebrows. "Uh,morning." The man said. "Everybody,this is gus. We got in late last night. And well,you're meeting him now. That's,uh,Debbie,Carl,Carla,and Liam." Fiona explained.

"Hi." Debbie said. "Who are you again?" Carl asked. "He's with Fiona,stupid. She mentioned him,like,20 times." Debbie said. "Boyfriend and girlfriend or just fuck buddies?" Carla asked. "Welcome to my family." Fiona said as she handed Gus a cup of coffee.

"Uh,Carla, you wanna help me at my job?" Carl asked. "Hell no." Carla said. "Probably have something better to do." Carla patted her brother's shoulder.


Carla and Debbie walked together down the sidewalks when Holly and her friends stopped in front of them. Carla inability groaned. "Debbie. And you." Holly said, looking Carla up and down. "How was your party? Ally's cousin told us about it." Holly said.

Carla shoved her hands into her jean pockets as she listened to the girls interacting with each other. "It was fun." Debbie said. "Maybe not so fun for the boy you raped. I've never heard of that. A girl who had to rape a boy to get laid. How does that work." Holly said as her and her friends laughed.

Debbie faked laughed, then punched Holly in the face. "Oh shit! Debbie!" Carla exclaimed but laughed. Carla elbowed a girl who tried to attack Debbie, but she actually did it on accident this time.

One of the girls held Carla back while the others pinned Debbie to the ground. "Hey,woah,woah,hey." A boy Debbie's age with black hair said, stopping the fight and pulling the girls off Debbie and Carla.

"Come on. Four on one - two, actually, that's not cool." The boy said as he helped Debbie up. "None of your fucking business." Holly said angrily. "Yeah? Why don't you find four other girls to fight? I'll let you tear each other's eyes out. Otherwise, beat it." The guy demanded holly.

Holly stepped forward in front of Debbie. "Rapist bitch." She said then her and her friends walked away from the three. Carla wiped a small amount of blood on her lip from the punch one of the girls threw. "That--that was the nicest thing anyone's ever done for me." Debbie said.

"You okay?" The kid asked. "Yeah." Debbie said and fixed her hair. "Look,I saw you throw the first punch. If you're gonna start a four-on-one like that,you better pick up some moves 'cause that was pathetic. You're lucky that girl was here." The kid pointed at Carla and jogged away.

"Wait! What's feflex athletes?" Debbie called out, but the kid was too far away already. "You okay?" Carla asked. "Yeah. Are you okay?" Debbie asked. "Yep." Carla nodded as they walked down the sidewalks.


"I thought Mandy taught you how to fight." Carla said as she watched two girls' sparr in a boxing ring. "No, just something with some staff thing." Debbie said as she spotted the kid from earlier and towards him, leaving her sister by herself.

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