26| The American Dream

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Lip,Ian,Carl,and Carla all ran through the hallway. "Oh! What's going on?" Fiona asked, walking out of the bathroom with a towel around her body."Frank,drunk,looking for a bed." Lip quickly explained."Who the hell let him in?" Fiona asked angrily.

"Debbie." Carla explained,"we begged her not to." Ian added as the twins and Ian moved the dresser."He's not hot-bucnking my bed." Lip called out."Why can't he sleep out on the porch? It's warm enough." Carl asked."I want my old bed back."  Frank said from downstairs.

"Oh,hell,no." Fiona said angrily, rushing into her room. "Morning Frank." Jimmy said, closing the bathroom door. "This is my house." Frank exclaimed."It's okay,Daddy, you can sleep in my room." Debbie told him "then where the fuck am I suppose to sleep?" Carla asked.

"I don't know. Fine a place." Frank said angrily "oh you piece of sh-." Carla said angrily before getting thrown over Ian's shoulder."Frank smells like dog piss." Carl said as Ian put Carla down "not dog piss. Gary, the homeless guy." Frank Corrected. "Come on,Daddy." Debbie said.

Carla laughed. "Wow." She threw her head back in annoyance. "Ew, he's lying on my bed." Carla said before running downstairs. "Damnit, Frank." Carl said before running after Carla, who was outside on the porch.

"Come on carly, you can sleep in my old bed." Carl said,"You sure?" Carla asked."Yeah. Now let's go eat." He said, helping her up, and they walked into the kitchen and sat down at the table. "Milk money." Fiona put down some money on the table.

Carl grabbed it and passed it out to Debbie,Ian,and Carla. "Breakfast." Jimmy said,"Did you wash up after you pooped?" Fiona asked."What are you,my mom now?" Jimmy asked "were supposed to wash up after we poop?" Carl asked. "Nasty ass." Carla said."Hey,language." Fiona said.

"Te your girlfriend to wear clothes,lip." Fiona told him,"Not her keeper." Lip said as mandy glared at her. "Ew." Debbie said in a hushed tone."Don't look if you don't like what you see." Mandy said and bent over to get clothes out of the dryer. "Seet." Carl said as Carla kicked him under the table.

"Pants. No." Fiona threw Mandy some pants to wear "Jesus. Hey, are you going to school today?" Mandy asked."Oh,no,later. Gonna skip my first periods so i start can clock community service hours. " Lip said as mandy walked upstairs.

"Addinh the last 50 bucks to the property tax,yo." Lip announced. "That should bring us right around where we need to be." He said putting the money in the jar. "I didn't put in the money from that last toxic-waste gig I had yet." Fiona said.

"Okay,that's cool. Hand it over.  And I'll drop it off before community  service, pay the tax man." Lip said."I don't have it." Fiona admitted,"don't have what?" Lip asked "the money. I used it to put down a deposit on a club night." Fiona explained, finally looking at lip."All right. Debs,Carl,Carla,let's go." School time." Jimmy said as the twins stood up. "Gotta bring Daddy his breakfast first." Debbie said before grabbing a plate and walking upstairs.

"Uh,the property tax that's already two weeks late." Lip said,"we're always two weeks late. I'll have the money right after the party." Fiona said as the twins followed Jimmy outside.

"Seriously? You're walked us to the crub?" Carl asked."What,did we go back in time and turn 6?" Carla asked."Have a good day at school. Learn something useful." Jimmy told the two, handing them their lunches as they walk away.

"Somethings up with Jimmy." Carla said,"Yeah,you think?" Carl asked.


The twins and Debbie sat on the couch eating the pasta Jimmy had made for them. "How's the pasta?" Jimmy asked."Good," Debbie said. "It's okay." Carla said,"You're like our maid now." Carl remarked."Thanks,Carl." Jimmy said while the twins just smiled, and Carla let out a chuckled and continued to watch TV. "Hey,Debs,watch Liam for a bit? I gotta run an errand." Jimmy asked.

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