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Carla sat at the end of the pool as she watched Carl swim under water and wat between two girls and put his arms around both of them.

Later, Carla sat in the hotel room on the bed. "You know,good thing we didn't ger that apartment. Hotels ate for ballers." Carl said. "Black with 12 sugars. Sweat and dark,just like your bitches." Carl handed Nick his coffee but Nick only turned over and faced away from carl.

"National Cheerleading Championships just rolled in. Honeys all up and down this mofo. Let's go down to the gym. Bounce some treadmill titties." Carl said as he bounced on the bed Nick laid on.

"Wow,not even titties." Carla said. "Can't stay messed up about that bike forever,man." Carl told him. "Not gonna he forever." Nick said. "How long?" Carl asked. "Till I make it right." Nick told him.

The twins' attention turned to Nick's gun on the table.


"Hey Jay." Carla said as she climbed into Jayden's car. "Sup." He said as he drove off. "Why are you staying at a hotel?" Jayden asked as he stopped at a stop light. "We got evicted, remembered." Carla said.

"Oh,right." Jayden said. "With Carl?" He asked. "Yeah." Carla nodded. "Well, if you get sick of staying with Carl, you can crash with me for a few nights." Jayden said.

"Really?" Carla asked. "Yeah,I'm sure my parents won't mind." Jayden said as they pulled outside of paty's pies.  "What are we doing here?" Carla asked as they got out. "Breakfast." Jayden said. They walked inside. "Hey,Carla." Melinda said.

"Hey,Melinda." Carla said as they sat down at a booth. "Fiona's not on the clock." Melinda said. "I know." Carla told her. "You want your usual?" Melinda asked. "Yeah." Carla looked at Jayden.

"Uh,just give me some pancakes." Jayden said. Melinda nodded and walked into the kitchen. "This a date?" Carla smiled. "You want it to be?" Jayden asked. "Sure." Carla said.

Soon, their food arrived, and they ate, and Jayden took Carla back to the hotel. "Just remembered if you want, you can crash with me." Jayden said. "Thanks." Carla gave him a quick kiss, then got out of the car.


Carla followed Carl and Nick to try to buy a car.

"Retired police vehicle. Can still smell the junkie flop sweat. Perfect for a couple punks like yourselves. " a man told Carl and Nick. "You feeling this?" Carl asked.

"Don't want a car." Nick said. "You need to upgrade. Let thst bike go." Carl said. "It's not about the bike. It's about respect." Nick said. "Who's ready for some juice?" The man asked as he sat in the driver seat.

"Hurricane bass! Four twelve-inch subwoofers and 1200 watt Amp!" The man said after he turned the car on and music started playing. "Got no license." Nick said. The man blew a raspberry and stood up and handed Nick the keys.

Nick looked at Carl, who nodded at him. Carla sat in the back of the car as Nick started it. "Damn,take is easy!" Carl exclaimed as him and Carla put their seat belts on.

"Ain't been behind the wheel since I was eight." Nick said as he began to drive more carefully this time but swerved.


Carla skated over to Jayden's house with a bag with clothes in it. She knocked on the door. "Hey. You took my offer." Jayden said, opening the door and letting her in
"Yeah." Carla nodded as she looked around the nice house.

"Northside,huh?" Carla asked. "Yeah. Better than Southside?" Jayden asked as they walked up the steps. "From where I grew up? No." Carla joked. "Seriously?" Jayden asked.

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