110|We Few, We Lucky Few, We Band of Gallaghers!

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Carla woke up to Tami moaning, making her groan. "Is it really that hard to put your clothes down the chute?" Carla heard Debbie say. "Jesus Christ." Carla Mumbled as she sat up. Ever since Fiona had left, Debbie took her old room while Carla kept Debbie's, she rearranged it so it would fit Emma and Mateo's bed now that they were a year old.

"No, Liam I have to pee!" Debbie exclaimed and by the sound of Debbie pounding on the door, Liam had beat her to the bathroom. Carla sighed as she got off the bed and picked up Mateo, who was already awake and standing in his crib. "Hey buddy." Carla said. "I'm not your maid, people." Debbie announced. "David." Carla shook her boyfriend awake. "Hmm?" David hummed, still half asleep. "When Emma waked up bring her downstairs to feed her."  Carla said, giving David a kiss on the head before leaving the room to go downstairs. Debbie and Franny walked downstairs behind Carla. 

Frank groaned as he leaned on the sink. Carla placed Mateo in his highchair. "Get your head out of the sink, Frank. Where's your pants?" Debbie asked as she opened the frigid. Frank only groaned in response. Debbie picked up clothes that were on the floor and threw them outside the backdoor then walked into the bathroom as Lip and Tami walked downstairs.  "Has anyone seen my gas mask?" Tami asked. "And my work boots?" Lip asked. "Anything left in the upstairs hallway can now be found in the backyard!" Debbie exclaimed from inside the bathroom. "What? Why?" Lip asked. Debbie walked out of the bathroom. "Cause the hallway is a public space, and all public space needs to be clear of clutter to allow for safe egress in the event of fire." Debbie told them. "All right." Lip sighed as he went to grab his and Tami's stuff. 

"Can you get out of the kitchen, Frank? Hey, shoo." Debbie pushed Frank aside when David came downstairs with Emma in his arms. "No pants, Frank. Hey good morning, Debbie." Tami said as she kissed Debbie's head. "Hi." Debbie said confused. "Who are you supposed to be today?" Tami asked Liam. "Fredrick Douglass." Liam said like it was very obvious. "Liam, sausage and eggs. Grab a plate." Debbie said. "I don't eat the white man's swine." Liam said. "Huh?" Debbie asked. "Pork." Carla said as she grabbed a plate. "I like swine." Frank said, reaching for a plate, but Debbie smacked his hand away.  "Ouch!" Frank said. "Only kids under 12 eat for free. Everyone else pays." Debbie said as Carla placed a ten-dollar bill in her hand.  "Farhard's letting me borrow his car on Saturday to visit Ian." Debbie informed. "Oh, yeah?" Frank asked. 

"Yeah. If any of you guys want to tag along, Franny and I are leaving at 8 a.m. sharp." Debbie added. "Yeah, we're in." Lip said. "Me too." Liam said. "Yeah, same." Carla said as she fed Mateo. "Cool. Frank?" Debbie asked. "What?" Frank groaned. "Down to visit Ian?" Debbie questioned. "No one ran a load?" Frank asked. "Okay, listen up, people. For the last time, I'm not Fiona. I've got my own kid to raise. If you wanna do your laundry, do it yourself. It's right there." Debbie told everyone. 

"You don't want breakfast, Liam? Fine." Debbie threw away the food. "I gotta get to work." Tami said as Lip stood up. "All right, You good?" He asked. "Yeah." Tami said as she kissed Lip, moaning softy. The family looked at them in disgust. "I love you so much." Tami told Lip.  "I miss you already."

"All right. it'll see you." Lip said. "Yeah. Bye, family." Tami smiled. "Bye." Debbie said as Tami left. "She have a serious head injury or something recently?" Liam asked, making Carla chuckle. "Ah, it's the baby hormones making her nice. School?" Lip asked Liam. "Yep." Liam said as Lip picked Liam's backpack up. "All right, let's go." He said as he and Liam walked out of the backdoor. "Bye debs. Bye Carls. see you, David." Lip said as he waved to Emma, Mateo, and Franny before following Liam. "I gotta get to work." David said once he saw Frank grab a plate and the trashcan. "Okay, Love you." Carla said as David kissed her than kissed the twin' heads before leaving. 

Debbie and Carla watched Frank eat the sausage that Debbie threw away. "Gross." Carla shook her head as she continued to feed the twins. 

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