l107|You'll Know the Bottom When You Hit It

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Carla sat at the table with Debbie and Franny as She,Carla,played with Franny when Lip walked downstairs. "What's that?" Debbie asked when she saw that Lip had two trash bags in his hands. "It's Fiona's shit." Lip said. "Why is Fiona's shit in trash bags?" Carla asked as Lip threw the bags outside.

" 'Cause I told her to leave, and she's still here. Thought I'd give her a hand." Lip said as he closed the door. " 'cause of Xan?" Debbie asked. "Yeah, 'cause of Xan and Jason and all the other fucking things." Lip said. "Okay." Debbie said,taking a sip of her coffee.

"Look,I'll see you two later,all right? I gotta catch Tami before work." Lip said as he walked out of the kitchen. "You guys get into a fight or something?" Carla asked. "No,she,uh,she's pregnant." Lip said,walking back into the kitchen.

"Holy shit." The girls said together. "She gonna keep it?" Debbie stood up. "Uh,I have no idea." Lip said. "That'd be so cool. Franny can have another little cousin." Debbie said.

"Yeah,look,I don't know. I just found out yesterday,Deb. I don't know what the fuck we're gonna do." Lip said, walking out of the kitchen again. "You guys could all live here. Tami,Carla, and I can take turns babysitting." Debbie suggested.

"Yeah,yeah,yeah,whatever. I'm sorry I mentioned it." Lip said, leaving. "I don't know, Debs. Three babies plus a toddler? That's kind of a mad house." Carla said. "You want another cousin,right?" Debbie asked Franny, then turned her attention to Carla.

"We can work it out." Debbie shrugged and picked franny up. "Uncle Lip's and Aunt Carla's babies." Debbie told Franny. Carla shook her head at the idea.


At Captain Bob's,the twins cooked when Lori walked in the kitchen. "Where's my Buccaneer Biscuits at? KJ." Lori clapped. "Going as fast as I can,Lori." KJ said. "Buccaneer Biscuits selling like crazy. Adding fried clams to the bacon,egg,and cheese biscuit was a great idea." Lori told the twins.

"Yeah? Thanks." Carl said. "Just some fry kids with big ideas who wants to serve his country." Lori said. "Actually,that's Carl. I'm not allowed to serve,being pregnant and all." Carla sighed. Lori ignored her comment. "You ever read The Tipping Point,Malcolm Gladwell?" Lori asked.

"Uh,no." Carl said. "Buccaneer Biscuits, tipping point. Trust me,you two are gonna go places." Lori said. "I sell weed out the back." KJ commented. "I know you do,KJ,and I appreciate your desire for a better life. But Carl and Carla here,he's helping us sell shit inside the store,okay?"  Lori asked as they walked to the sink.

"You know,they used to call this place Mr. Bob's. They started calling it Captain Bob's when they added seafood to the menu. Now it's all seafood. That man's a goddamn visionary." Lori told them. "Can we take our break now?" Carla asked.

"Sure,you can,rock stars. Be back in ten,okay?" Lori asked. "Yeah." The twins said simultaneously as they walked out back while Carl called Kelly. "Hey,Kelly,it's me. I'm at work right now. You know those Buccaneer Biscuits? They're a huge hit.  Yeah,it was Carla's and I idea. Did you know that? So I'm pretty hyped about that. You know,I should probably be getting back to it,though,so just want to make sure softball's going well. Uh,give me a call later,all right? Bye. Miss and love you. Bye." Carl said as he hung up the voice-mail.

The twins walked back into the restaurant. The two had just started to work again when the power went out. Lori rushed out. "Everyone,remain calm." Lori told the lobby. "Why would we not remain—" Carl started. "Tsk,tsk. People do crazy shit when the power goes out." Lori interrupted him.

"I-I gotta close up. I can't open the register. I can't microwave shit." Lori said. "So can we leave?" Carla asked, shaking her foot as she and Carl sat on the counter. "Leave? This is the perfect time for a kitchen deep clean. Start breaking down the gill and the fryers." Lori told the staff.

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