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Ever since Carla got moved into Debbie's room, she's been having trouble sleeping, and last night, she finally got 8 full hours of sleep since Fiona got her noise canceling headphones along with her twin brother Carl.

"Seven fifteen." Fiona said, opening the door to Debbie,Carla,and Liam's room as Carla had just gotten done changing for school."Oh.no. I fell down." Debbie was getting Liam changed. Carla walked out of the room and playfully shoved her twin brother, who shoved her back as lip, and Lan ran to get the first shower.

The twins pushed and shoved each other as they ran down the stairs and sat down at the table for breakfast. The older siblings passed a box to the twins, "electric," they said in Union as they passed the box to the next person. "No, you got a happy meal on the front of that shirt." Fiona told Carl."Oh,um. Field trip. Need dad's signature." lan passed a slip to Debbie "arms up, " Fiona said as she flipped Carl's shirt inside out. "Deb, that's getting really good." Lip told Debbie,"who's got the phone?" Fiona asked.

"I got it." Lip pulled out the phone "any minutes left, " Fiona asked "un,fourteen" lip threw it over to Fiona "hey I need something for show and tell." Debbie said,"How much are we short?" The oldest sibling asked,"eighteen dollars,thirty cents." Debbie explained."I'm touring after school. Should be able to kick in 10 more." Lip told her "Wait did Carl and Carla put in any?" Lip asked."You're almost 9. You're both gonna have to start pulling your weight." Debbie told the twins.

"And get a real job,not just dipping into the collection plate at St. Tim's." Lip said, the twins just rolled their eyes simultaneously.

The twins did everything together, even if that's bullying the kids that their school or doing something stupid together. They did everything, so when Fiona moved Carla out of the boy's room, they both got upset and didn't speak to her for about 3 days.

"I'm filling in for Candi. I can cover the rest." Fiona told everyone,"Extra kraut on mine. " Lip turned to Fiona "cheese on mine," lan said."Somebody's gotta take Liam." Fiona said while feeding Liam, who was in her lap."Uh,I got a calculus test." Lip got up and put his bowl in the sink. "I'm working after school." lan did the same and put his bowl in the sink. "Show-and-tell?" Debbie looked at Fiona."Show them the birthmark on his back. It looks like Latvia." Fiona handed Debbie Liam.

The Gallagher kids rushed out the door as again the twins pushed and shoved each other down the steps playfully and ran down the streets to get to school. "Carl!" Carla yelled out as her brother ran ahead of her."What? Too slow?" Carl turned around and laughed."Not in a million years asshole" Carla shoved his head to the side.


The twins were in the boy's room, messing around "alright bedtime." Lip came in and told them "aw!" They whined in sync "yeah,yeah I know, let's go." Lip picked Carla up and placed her on his back "night Carl." Carla told him "night Carla." Carl told her as he got in his bed, and Lip walked into Debbie's room and put Carla in her bed."Why'd carl and me get separated?" Carla asked her older brother."You two didn't get separated. You just got put in different rooms." Lip sat on her bed. "Why?" She asked again "because boys and girls can't sleep in the same room."

"Oh." She nodded "now get some sleep." Lip places a kiss on her head and put her headphones on as she laid down and drifted to sleep.


Carla woke up by the vibrations of people walking. She got up and walked downstairs along with the rest of her siblings. Her and Carl said on a chair, together being small enough to have enough room. "How many of you live here?" The random man in the house asked as he sat in between Veronica's legs,"not me, I'm one down. But the guy next door died in March... which technically makes us next-door neighbors." V said. "You're a nurse?" The man asked. "Used to be." V lied. Carla laid on her twins' shoulder, still half awake. "Lying bitch." Fiona said laughing "she worked housekeeping at Crook County. Bedpans and shit sheets" Lip explained "fine... but I was offered a place in nursing school." V said,"Fine,but it never happened. They fired her for selling medical supplies on eBay."

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