75|I Am a Storm

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Carla sat across from Carl at the table as they ate breakfast. "Morning." Fiona said as she put her bag down.  "Hey,Morning." Lip said. "What happened to your face?" Fiona asked. "Uh,boating accident." Lip said.

"Right." Fiona said, not believing him. "First of the month. Pony up." Fiona said as she put a cut-up cereal box down. "What about ian?" Debbie asked. "Paid in advance." Fiona said as the twins threw in the money.

"Ugh. Uh....this is all I could scrounge up." Debbie said. "Great. I'll expect the other $372.22 shorty." Fiona said. "I am a full-time mother with no help,Fiona." Debbie said.

"Donut Prince is hiring. Passes it on the way home. Snagged you an application." Fiona said as she  gave Debbie the application. "What am I supposed to do with Harry?" Debbie asked."Not my problem." Fiona said.

"I swear that Russian is up to no good." V said, walking in the backdoor. "What did she do now?" Fiona asked. "What? Not Svetlana. Her father." V said as she opened the fridge. "You got two weeks. Can't get together your share by then,I got to rent our your room." Fiona told Debbie.

"Where am I supposed to go?" Debbie asked. "Mm,homeless shelter down the street?" Fiona suggested. "I know the guy who runs it." She said. "That's kind of harsh." V said. "I got to hit the sack. I'm dying." Fiona sighed.

"Okay,you guys need food,clothes,bail,whatever call Lip. I'm on hiatus. Love you." Fiona said as she kissed Liam's head. "Nice to see you,too." V said. "This is so unfair. Lip?" Debbie asked.

"I got to take Liam to day care,and then I got to go to my internship. All right? I'll have my phone. Call me if there's a crisis." Lip said. "I'm right behind you." V said as they walked out of the house.

The twins stood up, and Carl grabbed a fan. "Good luck getting laid smelling  like fried dough all day." Carl said. "You always smell like that. What's your excuse?"Debbie asked. "Uh,bitches and hormones." Carl said as he tried to plug the fan in but got electrocuted making Debbie gasp then laugh.


Carla mentally made fun of Carl as she walked behind him as they walked up to Dominique's house and up the porch steps as Carl knocked on the door.

Dominique opened the door. "What the hell are you doing here?" She asked. "Nothing." Carl said. "Well,you two got me grounded for a month,so..." Dominique said as she went to shut the door bur Carl stopped it.

"Where's your dad?" Carl asked as Luther walked behind Dominique. "Morning,Sergeant. Really to hit the shooting range?" Carl asked. "Yep. Let me grab my gun." Luther said as he started to walk away.

"Okay. What's going on?" Dominique asked. "You've been texting that college boy all week. Think I didn't notice?" Luther asked his daughter. "He has playoffs this week. He's anxious." Dominique said.

Carla rolled her eyes as she listened to Dominique's excuse. "I don't care if he's starting point guard for the Bulls in the NBA Finals. I told you to cut it. But since I have a daughter who doesn't respect my wishes,she gets a father who doesn't respect hers." Luther told his daughter.

"Let's so,kids." Luther told the twins. "Kids?" Dominique repeated. The twins followed Luther down the porch steps as Dominique slammed the door.


Carla put on the safety glasses as her,Carl and Luther stood in the gun range. "A common misconception is you need a rigid stance when firing. Instead,keep slight bend in your arms,bring your other hand up for support,pressing your thumbs together like this." Luther explained as she showed the twins how to hold a gun.

"Drop one foot back. Find a steady base. Bring the tip of the pistol up to the target. Squeeze the trigger. Then...boom." Luther said, he then put the gun down. "Now..." he said as he let Carl shoot it first.

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