83|Requiem for a Tramp

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"Go! Move it! Move it! Move it! Go!" The Sargent demanded as everyone did an obstacle course with a rifle in their hands. "Come on,now,move it,girls! Move your asses. Oh,you are pitiful! Move it! Look at you!" He continued.

"I've never seen a more pitiful group of would-be soldiers in my life!" He shouted. "Move it! Up and over! Cut through!" He examined as the twins climb over the wall in the obstacle course. "Hop to it! Get your asses in the dirt,you maggot! Let's move it!" He demanded as everyone crawled through mud.

The Sargent blew his whistle. "Let's go move it! Move it!" He examined as he blew his whistle again. "Gallagher!" The Sargent said, making the twins look over at him. "Get you asses here,cadet!" The Sargent demanded.

"Sir,yes,sir!" The twins said simultaneously as they stood in front of the Sargent. "Chaplian wants to see you two." The Sargent said more calmly. "Sir?" Carl asked as he looked behind them.

"Shit, if I know,son. Move it." The Sargent told them. They quickly ran over to the Chaplian. He took his hat off before telling them that their mother had passed away and they would try to get them on a train.

"Holy shit,Monica's dead." Carla said as she wiped the mud off her face. "Yep. Not surprised?" Carl asked. "No, not really. You?" Carla asked. "No." Carl said.

Later That night,Carla put clothes into her bags quietly. "Hey,what are you doing?" Zola asked. "Packing. Gotta go home,my mom died, apparently." Carla said. "Is that bad?" Zola asked. "It should be. For people with a normal family." Carla said.

"Damn. Are you gonna come back?" Zola asked. "Yeah,probably." Carla said as she threw bras in the bag.


The next morning,the twins walked down the sidewalk of their street,carrying their stuff. They walked inside the Gallagher house,a house they hadn't been in a while.

They looked at Neil as he slept on the couch as they walked into the kitchen just to see Frank sleeping on the kitchen floor. Carl stepped over him as he sat the bag on the stove, then took the bag Carla held and put it next to his.

Carla pushed Frank over as they unloaded the food out of the bags. They had started breakfast when Fiona came downstairs. "Hey,Carl. Hey Carla." She said. "Oh my god." Fiona laughed as she saw that the table was already set.

"Hi!" Fiona said excitedly as she hugged the twins. She laughed as she pulled away and looked at the twins uniform they had on. "Wow." Fiona said.

"Holy shit,it's Lieutenant Dan!" Lip exclaimed as he walked downstairs. Lip also laughed. "Come here,man." He said as he gave the twins a hug.

"Oh,I gotta salute you now or something?" Lip joked. "Where did you get all this stuff?" Fiona asked. "We stopped by the Aldi on the way from the train station." Carl said.

"Well,why didn't you just call me? I could have picked you two up." Fiona said. "You have a car?" Carla asked. "Mm-hmm." Fiona hummed.

"She's a rich lady now." Ian said as he walked downstairs. "Look at those stripes and ribbons!" Ian exclaimed as he picked up Carla as he hugged her, then sat her down and hugged Carl.

"You're a general now?" Ian asked. "Hey,Cadet Corporal,get to kick some lazy freshman ass." Carla said. "And look at your hair." Ian said as he ruffled her hair, making her chuckled.

"Everybody is scrambled, all right?" Carl asked. "Yeah." Fiona said. "Just the neighbors,bringing 10,000-calorie sugar bombs." Veronica said as her and Kevin walked inside. "Nice." Fiona said.

"Yo,Carl! Carla! Looks at you! The ghetto ninja warriors!" Kevin laughed as the twins walked in front of him. "Should I be afraid,your hands licensed to kill now?" Kevin joked as he pretended to throw punches at them.

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