13| Summertime

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"Pool's open!" Debbie yelled."Cannonball!" Carl yelled as he jumped into the poom followed by Carla jumped in, and a bunch of random neighborhood kids that they watched jumped in after her "hey don't splash me." A boy said after the twins splashed around and laughed.

"Come on, Debs, get in!" Carla exclaimed as she swam to the edge of the pool,"maybe later." Debbie said,"boring." Carla sang and swam back to the middle where everyone else was. "Gallaghers!" They heard, Carla turned around and saw her new friend she had made before the school year ended,Avery Banks and her younger brother Adam Banks. "Avery!" Carla exclaimed excitedly as she swam to the edge of the pool again.

"Room for two more?" Avery asked "fuck yeah." Carla said as the two siblings jumped in.


It had gotten late, and Avery and Adam had left about an hour ago. The twins sat on the couch, watching Tv but ended up falling asleep on it.

The next morning, the two got woken up by the door shutting. "Did you two fall asleep out here?" Fiona asked."Did you fall asleep at your new boyfriend's house?" Carla joked as she sat up and stretched."Okay, smart-ass." Fiona chuckled and flicked her in the back of the head as she watched into the kitchen.

"Carl." Carla said, leaning down to wake her brother up before the neighborhood kids showed up he didn't budge,"Carl!" Carla said loudly, still nothing."Carl!" Carla exclaimed, slapping him hardly."God! Ow! What the fuck Carla?" Carl shot awake "get dressed kids will be here soon." Carla said walking upstairs.

Carl groaned and followed up the stairs. Carla quickly got changed into a gray tank top and black jeans short. She followed Carl and Ian downstairs. "I'm a girl. I'm gonna be a woman soon. I need privacy to undergo the upcoming traumatic transformation. Having Carla in my room is enough as it is." They heard Debbie say,"It's not that traumatic." Lip said,"How would you know?" Fiona asked "video in 5th grade." Lip replied.

"What are we talking about?" Ian asked,"moving Liam into our room." Lip explained "no fucking way." Ian said as lip opened the back door "first daycare kid is here. My own room?" Debbie asked."It's not gonna happen,Debs. Where's Carla supposed to sleep? we already struggled to get her to sleep in there in the first place. Now go,go." Fiona said, waving her off as Debbie rushed into the living room.

"Traumatic transformation?" Ian asked as Carla left the kitchen. She sat on the couch as she watched kid after kid come in the house. "No,no,no." Carla shot off the couch and took a Barbie doll head out of a kids mouth."This isn't for eating." She said and walked into the kitchen and threw the head away.

Carl tried to feed a toddler a sandwich while Carla played cars with another. Frank came in and picked up Liam. "What are you doing?" Debbie asked,"borrowing Liam. Where's that backpack thingy?" Frank asked."You can't borrow a kid." Carla said."Borrowing him for what?" Debbie asked."Gonna take him to the aquarium." Frank lied "no you're not. It costs too much." Debbie said, not believing his lie.

"Okay, then the zoo." Frank lied again."When are you bringing him back?" Debbie asked again."I'll bring him back when I'm Damm ready. I'm his father, we need time together." Frank said "your holding him wrong." Carla pointed out as she saw Frank holding Liam under his arm. Frank didn't reply he just walked out of the house.

"Should we wake Fiona?" Carl asked,"See any exposed bone?" Debbie asked the twins shook their heads.


The twins sat at the kitchen counter, watching Frank do whatever he was doing. "What are you doing?" Debbie asked, walking in the kitchen with a tray of cups,"Making a little easy summer moola the Gallagher way." Frank replied."Where's Liam?" Debbie asked "in the car." Frank said,"You don't have a car." Debbie told him,"A friend's car." Frank said,"You don't have friends." Carla remarked as the twins high-fived each other under the counter.

"You crack a window?' Debbie continued to ask. "Left the engine running for the a.c." Frank said, obviously lying."You left a toddler in a running car in this neighborhood?" Debbie walked forward. Carl sniffed a bottle of laxative and immediately regretted it. "That baby laxative?" Carl asked, handed Carla the bottle for her to smell.

"This,my young progeny,is Dr. Frank's magic-money-making fun dust." Frank explained while putting plastic bags into a backpack."Oregano?" Carla asked."Fool's gold." Frank said, the twins just looked at him confused."My 'I've never seen it fail.' Summer solstice ATM." Frank explained while walking out the back door.

The twins looked at each other confused, then looked at Debbie, who just shrugged.

Debbie went to go wake up Fiona for parent pick up as the twins picked up a little around the living room. Carla had a toddler on her hip while she picked up toys. "You look like Fiona." Carl said."Shut up." Carla said, giving the kid to her mother as it was the last kid, then walked upstairs after they left.


Carla put on her shoes and ran downstairs. "Where you going?" Lip asked."Avery's. Be back at 8." She said before walking, put and grabbed her skateboard that her and Carl had started to learn to skate together, and they both we're good at it.

She skated down the street only to fall as someone stuck their foot out in front of her. "Hey! What the fuck!" Carla yelled as she stood up and wiped dust off her "that's what you get for picking with my little sister last year." A girl who was definitely a year older then her said "who- who the fuck are you?" Carla asked spitting blood out of her mouth due to her fall.

The older girl moved out of the way to reveal the girl whom Carla had pinned to a wall at school last year for touching her hair. "My sister,Sophia, told me what you did now it's time for payback." The girl said before punching Carla, causing her to fall to the ground "the fuck! I'm 10!" Carla yelled, standing up again,"and I'm 14." The girl said. "Cool." Carla nodded.

"Carla?" She heard a voice yell, making her turn around to see Ian."Ian!" She yelled,picking up her skateboard and running across the street."Holy shit what happened?" Ian asked, looked at her bruised cheek, and bloody lip."That kid hit me for something I did to her little sister last year." She explained as the two walked home."Liam back home yet?" Carla asked."Yeah." Ian nodded as he opened the gate for her.

"Carla whar happened?" Fiona asked as the two walked in the house."Some kid hit her for something she did to her little sister last year." Ian explained as Carla walked upstairs and into Debbie's room. "You okay?" Debbie asked as she watched Carla  flopped on her bed."Yeah." Carla sighed out and rolled over and then fell asleep.


The next morning, Carla sat in the kitchen with a frozen bottle of water on her cheek when Fiona walked in. "we're going to help kev and V get your shoes on." She told her. Carla nodded and put the water down, getting up and putting her shoes on.

The twins help put weed plants into garbage bags. "We handed over all the cash we made so far this summer. And we still owe him 6 grand. That's money we count on to get through the winter." Fiona explained what happened last night to get Liam back.

"What was it,some kind of bet?" V asked."Oh,10 grand. Do you believe that? We'll be lucky to bank enough to get us to Christmas." Fiona said."Yeah. Hey V, can we save some for the ice cream truck? Keep it stocked all summer?" Lip asked. "How much is that?" Veronica asked."One bag should do it." Lip said.

"All right. But less than an ounce on the truck at one time." V pointed in his face."Yeah,yeah,yeah." Lip said,"All right." V said. Fiona whimpered, hoping V would give her some weed. "Sure,take a bag. It's the least we can do to thank you for your hard work." V agreed. Kev peeked his head through some plants. "No,no,not you,Johnny Appleseed." V said.

The Gallaghers walked out with a bag of weed in hand, putting it in the back of Kevin's truck, and then walked back home.

The twins sat on the couch "so,What'd you do to get a 14 year old to punch you?" Carl asked, looking at his sister's bruised cheek. "Pinned her little sister to a wall at school last year." Carla explained "damn she still got you for that?." Carl laughed."Yeah,guess so." Carla laughed as well.

Word count:1531
A/n:bit of a filler

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