118|O Captain, My Captain

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TW; mentioned of Eating disorder, self harm,BDD(body dysmorphic disorder)

"Jesus." Carla said as she got woken up by an engine noise. She got up and looked out the window to see Mickey get off a scooter bike thing with girl. "I thought Mickey was in love with Ian." David murmured from behind Carla. "Yeah,me too." Carla said,slightly confused at the milkovich.

Carla ran her hand through her hair as she stepped out of her room. "Carla." Ian said as he walked out of his room on crutches since Mickey pushed him down the stairs yesterday. "Help me downstairs,please."

Carla nodded as she gripped Ian's arms and carefully helped him down the steps,letting him walk to the door once they got off the stairs.

Carla stretched her arms,popping them in during the action, before walking into the kitchen and pouring some coffee occasionally walking around Tami's aunt Oopie as she cooked.

She pulled her hair back into a low ponytail as she sat down at the counter. Soon Carl , Ian, and Liam joined her in the kitchen. "Next up,a Florida man was found dead today,facedown in the lobster tank of a Tampa grocery store." A news reporter said from Aunt Oopie's computer.

"Here you go. A proper breakfast." Oopie said as he set plates down for the three boys. "The sugar in this cereal will kill you. In your case,however,I suspect that your lifestyle will kill you before your diet does." Oopie said directly to Ian.

"Ah." Ian nodded. Carla turned around in her chair. "Was that Mickey this morning?" She asked,rolling her eyes when Oopie told her to sit normally.

"Yup." Ian said,looking down at his plate. "Where's he been?" Liam asked. Carla sat beside Ian,abandoning her untouched breakfast.

"With a twink named Bryon." Ian said. "Twink?" Liam asked. Carla chuckled. "You know, like Ms. Del Rey's kid. Yoga pants and glitter." Carl said.

"Eh,not always. But,yeah,sure." Ian said as he leaned back while Oopie took away the bowls. "So if you tell someone you're not marrying them, that means they can sleep with other people?" Liam furrowed his eyebrows.

"No." Ian shook his head. "But Mickey's emotional IQ is lower than the twins' actual IQ." Ian continued. "Shit. You're fucked,dude." Carla joked. "Nah,he'll work it out of his system and we'll talk it out like adults. It'll be fine." Ian said.

The back door opens as Tami and lip walked in. "Hold onto your wallets,everyone. Lip is here."
Tami said. "Oh,there's my gorgeous niece." Oopie said. "Prettier," Oopie kissed Tami. "Than megyn Kelly. And smarted too."

"Oh,objectified by America and sexually harassed by your bosses? It's every girl's dream,huh Carla?" Tami said sarcastically. "Uh huh." Carla said also sarcastically.

"Megyn Kelly?" Carl asked,confused. "A blonde news host. She thinks Santa's white." Liam said. "He's not?" The twins asked simultaneously as David, Emma,and Mateo walked downstairs.

"No." Liam said. "Yes,honeybun!" Oopie said. "No what?" David asked as he sat beside Carla. "If Santa's black or not." Carla explained.

"Hey,did I hear a girly bike pull up this morning?" Lip asked, changing the subject. "Mickey." Ian said. "He's dating a twink now." Liam said, echoing Ian's words.

"Oh,so you leaving him at the altar, that's become a thing,huh?" Lip asked. "I-I didn't leave him at the alter." Ian said. "Yes,you did." Lip and Liam said together.

"I mean..." Tami dragged her word. "It was city hall. We were only getting married to outsmart the cops." Ian explained. "You made the right decision. Marriage is a sacred union between a man and a woman." Oopie joined in.

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