29| The Sins of My Caretaker

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Carla lay awake on her bed, staring at the ceiling with her arms behind her head. "Shower's free, who's next?" She heard Fiona ask. "Took one last night." Carla called out as she got changed and ran downstairs. "Carly, you helping me with daycare today?" Carl asked." I thought that was Debbie's job." Carla said.

"She's going to the pool today." He examined."Oh. Yeah, I'll help." Carla said as she kissed Liam's head."Here you go. Good doggie." Carl said as he fed Liam."One hundred! One hundred seconds!" Debbie said excitedly. "Jimmy,I can't do breakfast set up for daycare... and practice holding my breath all that the same time." Debbie said.

"Oh,still broken." Jimmy said as he held up his broken pinky."It's a finger,not your neck." Debbie said as she walked over to the table "Carl,Carla can you two set up for daycare? I need to get to the pool at exactly 9 a.m. it's opening day." Debbie said,"I'm feeding Liam." Carl said,"Carla?' Debbie continued before she could answer. Molly spoke,"I can help."

"Thanks, Molly. Okay,wipe down the exersaucers and teething toys... then check the nap-pads for the head-lice and boogers. That's a really pretty dress." Debbie said,"It hides my girl-penis. Mom said it's impolite to show off my bulge." Molly said. "Girl-penis?" Carla repeated as Fiona walked downstairs.

"More coffee?" She asked Jimmy."Uh,Lip,lan? Come down here for a second?"Fiona called out as she poured more coffee into Jimmy's cup. Lip and Ian came downstairs with Mandy following "Okay listen up, Gallaghers. And Milkoviches. They're digging the sewer main in a few days and shutting the water off. So we need to... do laundry and dishes beforehand." Fiona said

"What about toilets?" Jimmy asked."I guess we just won't flush that day." Fiona said."Well,we could fill up buckets." Lip offered "gross." Debbie said,"He crippled or something?" Fiona asked after she watched Mandy feed Lip a piece of toast."Just so helpful." Mandy said.

"Must be nice. Have a spouse." Fiona said "wait they're digging up the lawn?" Debbie asked."Yeah." Fiona said."What about Aunt Ginger?" Debbie asked as everyone looked at her and a knock at the door. "Incoming." Debbie said as she went to go answer it.

"Okay,I'll be back for dinner. Buck up, kiddo." Fiona told Jimmy as he kissed his cheek."No biggie, just my universe falling apart." Jimmy said mostly to himself.

The twins sat in an awkward silence with Jimmy and Ian at the kitchen table. "Not trying to look at my dick are you?" Ian asked." No,no. I'm not. I'm not even thinking about your dick. In my dad's mouth. I'm not." Jimmy said  "good then don't." Ian said before walking out."Yep. Not." Jimmy said,"Ian's dick was in your dad's mouth?" Carl asked."Gross." Carla said.

"It's a figure of speech. It's like saying,'none of your business. Your dicks in my dad's mouth,man' ." Jimmy explained "who says that?" Carla asked "gay dudes." Jimmy said "is Ian gay?" The twins asked "no,no. It was euphemistic." Jimmy said."Is that what gay people like to do?" Carl asked."Jesus.forget it." Jimmy said, standing up as Frank walked inside.

"Oh,uh,Jamie. Are you any good with power tools?" Frank asked. Jimmy just put up his hand with a broken pinky. "Hey Lip? I need your help." Frank said,"Oh,busy!" Lip said,"Too busy to help your old man?" Frank asked. "Yes. Forever." Lip said.

"Fucking-- " Frank said, then turned to the twins. "Hey,Ian?" He called out."He's getting ready for work." Carl stated,"Nice paint job." Carla said with a slight smirk."You two got your shoes on?" Frank asked."Yeah. Why?" Carl asked after looking under the table st their shoes.

"We're going over to Sheila's. Gonna grab some of dead Eddie's heavy-duty machines. That fella loved lawn equipment." Frank explained while grabbing a beer out of the fridge."But Carl's sick." Carla pointed out "he don't look sick to me." Frank said.

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