14| Summer loving

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Carl,Carla,Debbie,and Ethel sat on the front porch, Carla holding a lighter while Carl was holding hairspray. "Liam,if you want a popsicle, show me your hands." Debbie told Liam as Carla lit the lighter as Carl sprayed the hairspray, making a big flame.

"Liam hands off your package or no treat."Debbie said while Liam just stood there with a hand in his diaper."Touching it is his treat."Ethel said as Fiona came out."I need my own room,without Liam." Debbie said, looking up at Fiona."I'm late for work. Carl,Carla quit it." Fiona told them."I can't share a room with someone in a constant state of arousal. I'm gonna be a woman soon. " Debbie said,"Hey,enough." Fiona said, taking both the lighter and the hairspray.

"Frank's been gone for months. Why doesn't Carla move into Frank's room." Debbie said."Frank will be back. Be in bed by midnight. No exceptions." Fiona said, pointing at the twins at the last part and then walking away. "No way, I'm moving in Frank's room." Carla said.


The twins watched TV like they did every night. "wanna steal a beer?" Carla asked "fuck yeah." Carl said as Carla got up and grabbed two beers out of the fridge and opening them since no one was home besides Debbie but she was upstairs anyways who could stop them.

"Here." Carla said, handing her brother the bottle sitting next to him they both drank it and slightly cringed as it went down their throats but continued to drink the rest of it before any of their siblings got home.

They finished the drinks, and Carla got up and threw them away.
An hour later, the twins went upstairs and passed out Carl on Ian's bed and Carla on Carl's bed. Somehow, next hearing, Debbie moved Liam's crib into the boy's room and put in front of Carl's bed.


The twins walked downstairs. "This Jody has hair longer than Fiona's and a motorcycle with a luggage compartmen." Lip said as the twins walked into the kitchen."Test me on the theorems." Ian said."Um,if A equals B, then B equals A." Lip explained "Symmetric." Ian said."He might as well get a windshield and call it a car." Lip said, turning the topic back onto Jody. "A equals A." Lip continued."Reflexive." Ian answered while the twins made themselves a bowl of cereal "madu it's just a phase."

"She hasn't even slept with him yet." Lip said as Debbie came downstairs with Liam."You know, I ran into a baby crib this morning." Carla pointed out as she took a bite of her cereal.

"Lip,why are you sleeping in my bed?" Fiona asked,walking into the kitchens. "Ask her." Lip pointed at Debbie."I moved Liam. I can't be in the same room where Liam is constantly masterbating." Debbie explained "if bot masterbaitng if nothing cokes out." Carl said,"according to whom?" Fiona asked. "My friend Jack O'Donnell." Carl explained,"Not true." Debbie said. "It's kinda true." Lip said,"Not legally true." Ian pointed out.

"Liam can be arrested for masterbating?" Carla asked "no. Listen up -" Fiona said,"What age where it's inappropriate officially to arouse yourself in font of others...even if nothing come put?" Lip asked "two years old." Debbie said,"Hey,Gallaghers. I need focus and cooperation. Okay, unfortunately,Frank has rented out his room to a pregnant woman. " Fiona said, flapping her arms down.

"I already told them." Debbie said,"You let her in last night?" Fiona asked,"she let herself in. She has a key. Besides, she's from China. They kill extra there." Debbie explained."Liam needs to go back in with you, and Carla." Fiona told her."No." Debbie exclaimed "Debbie--" Fiona began to say,"What's done is done." Debbie exclaimed, cutting Fiona off as Liam began to cry. "Okay. For now, Liam's in the boys' room." Fiona said."What?"  Carl asked "four guys in one room, plus whenever Carla passes out in here?" Ian asked." And isn't that a  health code violation?" Lip asked."I'll find Frank and figure this out. Until then, four in the room and Carla in her own." Fiona explained.

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