112|Which America?

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Carla pushed the twins stroller through the supermarket. "Okay,what do we need?" Carla asked the twins,who giggled. "Baby food,diapers,oh! Em,this is cute,huh?" Carla asked, holding up a little dress. "Now,Mateo,what should we get you?" People glared at Carla as she talked to her infant twins.

"A little suit?" Carla smiled as she placed the clothes in the basket that she held on her arm. Let's get something for Mommy." Carla said as she found a cute pink and white dress with flowers on it. "Let's pay." Carla said as she went to check out.

"Declined?" Carla asked when the card machine buzzed. "Uh,can you run it again?" She asked the cashier. Carla sighed heavily when the machine said the card declined.

"Well,sorry, kiddos,not cute outfits." Carla rubbed her kids' heads as she took the card back. "Fucking Debbie."  She mumbled as she pushed the stroller out of the supermarket.

"Your aunty is getting on my nerves." Carla shook her head as Emma babbled.


Carla carried Emma on her hip after David asked if he could have some time with Mateo. Carla and Carl walked to Captain Bob's. "I mean, take your time. Business meetings can start late. That's Profesional. " Anne said. "I'm sorry. I got held up at the ATM. You know,I couldn't get my breakfast sandwich. My morning's all fucked,and I'm hangry—" Carl complained.

"Shup up and check out that line,son." Anne told them as the twins looked at the long line of kids. "All asking for tartar sauce. Drove up new business. I underestimated you. You have game. Both of you." Anne said as she waved to Emma,who smiled.

"It was easy. Middle school was having a field day. You know,three-legged races,egg toss shit. You know,it was taking candy from a baby." Carla said. "Well,here's your cut,partners." Anne handed the twins some cash. "Thank you,partner." Carl said.

"Yo!" Lori called out,gaining the three's attention. "I got a line forming in here that's longer than my grandma's tits! Clock in,pirates!" Lori told the three. "Sorry, Lori." Anne said.

"Yes,master." Carl said. "Carla,hand over the cutie pie." Lori said as she grabbed Emma out of Carla's arms. "Um,just don't leave with her." Carla said. "Don't worry, you can trust me." Lori said as the group walked inside of the restaurant.

"Have fun deep-frying shit in Trans fats." Anne told Carl. "Oh,I will. Jealous?" Carl asked. "Stop flirting." Carla elbowed Carl,who did it back.

"Past! Carl! You want a hot fish filet?" Stump asked and laughed as he showed it was in the zipper of his pants. "Nice." Carl said. "Very mature." Carla muttered as she watched Lori and Emma. "Jesus Stump. Grow up." KJ said and laughed as he showed a fish filet was also in the zipper of his pants.

Carl scoffed when the older men touch the fish filets together. Carl's attention went onto his twin. "Yo,Carla, you okay,you've been looking at Lori for,like,10 minutes." Carl said.

"She's with my daughter. How can I be okay?" Carla asked,then quickly shut up when  Lori scoffed at the older men. "Okay,carl, come with me."  The fish dicks can handle things,can't they?" Lori asked.

"Yes,Lori." Stump said. "Sorry,Lori." KJ said. "I got a special cleaning assignment for you, my little pirate. Come with me." Lori told Carl. "Oh,spoiler alert: it's already clean."

"So what am I cleaning?" Carl asked. "Hey,use a safe word! 'Harper' is not a good, safe word." KJ told Carl,who flipped them off, then looked at Anne. "Great, leave me with dumb and dumber." Carla said to herself as she continued to cook.

Later,the twins were in the back,changing out of their uniforms as Emma sat beside Carla. "Sorry i—" Anne started on the other side of the lockers. "It's okay. I can wait outside if you want." Carl offered. "No,whatever. We're all adults here." Anne said as she slid the door closed.

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