88|The (Mis)Education of Liam Fergus Beircheart Gallagher

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The twins walked into the basement. "Sorry, we gotta keep you down here,son. We understand why you did what you did,but you stole from a veteran,homey." Carl said. "It's a crime against America. Actions have consequences." Carla said.

The man threw up in a bucket as Carl threw a towel at him, and the twins walked upstairs with the bucket. Carl sighed as they stepped into the kitchen. "Ew! Smells like puke." Laim said as he covered his nose with his shirt.

"Day four of detox." Carl said. "Be happy it isn't diarrhea. Panic attacks are next." Frank said as Carl poured the vomit into the toilet and flushed it. "Hey! Did I tell you kids? I got another promotion. Assistant manager in the garden shop." Frank said.

"So what's the plan with the dude in the basement?" Ian asked the twins. "We'll set him free when we feel like he can contribute to society again." Carl said. "Isn't that kidnapping?" Ian asked.

"Public service." Carla said. "Hey. Can someone watch franny tonight? I've got a study group for my exam tomorrow. " Debbie said as she walked downstairs. "I will." Carla said. "Hey,Debs,your old man got another promotion. I--" Frank began.

"Hey. Hey, franny." Lip said as he and Eddie walked downstairs. "See you at the shop,runt." Eddie said as she smacked Lip's butt. "Yeah. Ah.." Lip said as Eddie walked out of the house. "Hey,you know you got a little scratch on your -" Ian started.

"Hey,piss off,huh?" Lip asked. "Lip,you hear about your old man?" Frank asked. "Things are looking up--" Frank tried to speak but got ignored. "Hey,where's Fi? I need to borrow her car and make a pickup for the shop." Lip said.

"I think she's at her building. Come on,Cadet." Ian said as he put his arms around the twins' shoulders. "Hey,Cadet Corporal,brother." Carl said as Ian put him in a head lock, making Carla chuckle as Ian put her in a head lock as well.

"Is no one here interested in the upward mobility of their father?" Frank asked as the twins and Ian walked out of the kitchen, the twins still in head locks. "I am." Liam said as the twins and Ian walked outside.

"What are you up to today?" Carl asked as him,Carla, and Ian stretched their legs. "Uh,Trevor and me are having lunch with this rich old dude. I'm gonna see if we can get some cash for a new place for Trevor's at-risk kids." Ian said.

"I'm bringing the Southside cred." Ian added. "Still trying to get in that dude's pants?" Carla asked. "Well...he does good things for kids in need. Pretty much the best person I know." Ian said as they stretched their arms.

"Plus, he's great in the sack. How about you two?" Ian asked as they switched arms. "We gotta call the school. See why our fall enrollment packets haven't shown up yet. Gotta register soon." Carla explained.

"You ready?" Ian asked. "Attention!" Ian exclaimed as the three of them stood up straight. "Double time,move!" Ian exclaimed as they began to run. "Left,left,left,right,left!" Ian exclaimed.

As they ran,Ian threw soft punches at the twins, making them run around light polls. They passed an old church with a for sale sign on the fence. "Cadet Corporal,halt." Ian put his hand up as they ran in place.

"Hold in place." Ian told them as he opened the fence and walked up the steps, leaving the twins as they jogged in place. Ian looked through the wood and then walked back to the twins. "In cadence. Move!" Ian told the twins as they began to run again.


Carla fed Franny as Debbie sang. "Gonna jump in the Cadillac. we'll put some miles on it. Anything you want,yeah. Just to get a smile on you. Anything you want it,anything you want it. Oh,I'm gonna give it to you,franny." Debbie sang as Carl walked in the kitchen with a towel wrapped around his waist.

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