23| Just Like the Pilgrims Intended

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⚠️TW:self harm⚠️

Carla sat behind Carl and Hank as they laid on Tires that were on top of the van waiting to shoot the ducks that were in the pool. Finally, Hank took the shot and killed both the ducks. "Ha-ha. Two for two." Hank laughed."Hey,give me a turn." Carl said. "Screw you." Hank said."I wanna shoot a duck." Carl said as the three slid down the van.

"Go get your own gun then." Hank told him,"At least give me a duck." Carl said as Hank fished out the ducks out of the pool "it's my fucking shot them." Hank said "it's our pool." The twins said together "it's my dad's rifle." Hank said snobby "you're an asshole." Carl told him.

"An asshole who's eating duck for Thanksgiving Tomorrow. Yum." Hank held the ducks up "later." He said, walking away after he had spotted Avery across the alley. "Dick." Carl said,"Wasn't that your friend Avery?" Carl asked as they went inside."Yep." Carla said.

"What else did Grammy buy you guys?" Fiona asked."Sorry buddy,gotta sell everything."Fiona told Liam "still won't get out of her room." Debbie said, walking downstairs. "I know what I want for Christmas." Carl said, "I told you not to go. Leave her alone." Fiona told Debbie. "How's she gonna eat?"  Debbie asked."An AR15 rifle." Carl said,"She'll figure it out when she gets hungry, and no one's buying you a rifle." Fiona told Debbie, then carl.

"Is something wrong with her? She hasn't gotten out of bed in days." Debbie said,"It's what she does." Fiona said."What is?" Debbie asked."Little Hank has a rifle." Carla informed,"Little Hank's being raised by wolves." Fiona said. "Mom's bipolar,Debs." Ian told her. "So like the north and south pole?" Debbie asked.

"Sort of." Ian said."What can we do to help?" Debbie asked."Not much. Just wait it out." Fiona explained."For how long?" Debbie questioned "until she snaps out of it. Which she always does. It just takes time." Fiona told her."I wish Lip were here. You should call him. He'll know what to do." Debbie told Fiona.

"There's nothing to do,Debs. It is what it is." Fiona said, putting toys into a bag. "Well. I'll see if I can get her up." Ian said, taking the toast of out the twins' mouths and walking upstairs. "Ian,don't -" Fiona tried to stop him, but he had already gone upstairs.

"Depression is hereditary. Holy shit." Debbie read the website as the twins stood on either side of her."Look up the 10/12 Luger target tactical rifle." Carl told her,"Get away from me. You had your turn all last night." Debbie said,"Geraldo. Fiona Gallagher was wondering if you have any extra shifts available." Fiona said on the phone as Ian came downstairs.

"Did she get up?" Debbie asked "hey I need you to take the pool down. Homeless a guy's bathing in it." Fiona told Ian,"Can't. I gotta get to work." Ian said before leaving. Fiona continued to talk on the phone. "I think I'm depressed. I've been feeling kinda of fucky lately." Debbie said "means you're gonna get your period soon."Carla said. Debbie looked at her sister. "It does?" Debbie asked."Don't wear white for a while. That sucks." Carla said before the twins left the kitchen.

"My Xbox too?" Carl asked, walking back in the kitchen." Everything." Fiona said."Grammy brought us that stuff." Carla said "yeah well we have no money since Monica stole the squirrel fund, and we need to eat." Fiona demanded. Debbie closed the computer. "Is Lip coming home for Thanksgiving tomorrow?" She asked.

"I don't know. Now,go. When you get back...take the pool down before it freezes and cracks." Fiona ordered the twins. "I don't know how." They said."You'll figure it out. It's not that hard." Fiona said."Lip?" Debbie asked."Go." Fiona rubbed her head as the three left.

"Things are difficult without Lip." Carla said as they walked down the road "yeah they are." Debbie agreed.


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