15|I'll Light a Candle for You Every Day

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Carla watched as Carl punched Ian's stomach as he did pull-ups "Ah,dude stop." Ian said."It's the best way to get abs. Saw it on a YouTube video." Carl explained "hey,fuckwad." Lip said "dickhead." The twins said simultaneously "what are you doing?" Lip asked as he ruffled up Carla's hair "helping Ian trian." Carl explained.

"Yo,uh,I was at the lab talking to this army guy from Pentagon. He's a colonel or something." Lip said, walking into the room as Carla stepped on Ian's feet as he did sit-ups."Oh yeah?" Ian asked, hitting Carla's hand every time he sat up."Yeah. I thought he could tell us a bit more about West Point. He was a student there." Lip explained."They're called cadets." Ian grunted."i will burn for you. I feel pain for you. I will twist the knife and bleed my aching heart." Debbie sang as she pushed Carla off Ian's feet and went into her room.

"What's with Debs?" Lip questioned, the twins looked at each other before speaking,"obsessed with death." They both said as Carla stood back on Ian's feet."I thought this guy might be a good lead." Lip continued."I don't know. Took that practice trig test today. Only got a 73." Ian explained as he stopped doing sit-ups and then stood up. "Five points higher than last time." Lip pointed out. "I cheated." Ian explained as he continued to do pull-ups."Why do you wanna go in the army anyway? You're gonna get shot through the butt hole in battle." Carl asked.

"Hey, the only reason you two are not in summer school...is because they wouldn't have you two." Lip said as the twins smiled and fists bumped each other.


The twins put a bunch of random food onto their plates. "Now I know why they call it a world-famous salad bar." Carl said as the two walked back to the table and sat down. "What was the final tally in the purse?" Lip asked "five hundred and twenty-six bucks." Fiona answered. "Jesus. Who carries around that kind of cash?" Ian asked."Um... Kim Furtado." Fiona read off the ID that was in ther purse she had stolen off the L "some rich bitch." V said taking a bite of her Stake "in out neighborhood?" Ian asked

"I was in Glencoe having coffee with a friend from high school." Fiona explained "that guy from your diary?" Carla teased "Shut up and eat your spaghetti taco." Fiona told her "you think it's real? If so, can I have it?" V asked, "it is the LV's are two inches apart,seems are even,stitching's yellow. And the leather has turned dark drown from oxidation." Lip explained as everyone stared at him."I read a lot." Lip said,"Debs have more salad. It's all you can eat." Fiona turned around and told her as she talked to Ethel at a different table.

"Hey,Fi,you know what you should do?" Lip asked."Ride the L more often?" Fiona asked."Here. Found her home number. Tell her you found her purse. I bet she'll give you a reward. It went to voice-mail . Leave a message." Lip said, handing Fiona the phone."Hi,Kim,my name's Fiona. I found your purse on the L. Uh,give me a call on your cell so that I can give it back to you. Okay,bye." Fiona left a message and handed it back to lip.

"Perfect. Now, don't give it back unless she gives you at least 200 bucks. That's how much we could get for it on eBay. All right, guys. Let's stock up on chicken nuggets for home." Lip said, taking plastic bags out."I heart, Sizzler." Carl said as him and Carla stood up and followed Lip.

Carl dug through a box before dumping a bag of toys on the table Debbie was sitting at while Carla sat on the couch. "I will stab you until you bleed to death if you don't quit it out." Debbie said, holding up a pair of Scissors "yo,buddy? Come here." Lip said, walking downstairs."Shut up." Debbie said as lip grabbed Carl and Carla and brought them into the kitchen."Yeah?" The twins asked."You both gotta get a job this summer... so we can make it through winter." Lip explained,"we've been helping Debbie with daycare." Carla said,"eating mac and cheese is not helping out." Ian said, rubbing the top of their heads.

"Need to put a thousand bucks in the Squirrel fund before school." Lip told them,"Deb,Carl,Carla, a little help."Fiona said,"Go help your sister." Lip ordered, and Ian kicked Carl as the two walked into the living room to help Fiona "this from the purse windfall?" Lip asked "keeps on giving." Fiona said, giving the twins a grocery nah "waffles." Carl exclaimed excitedly,"blueberry pancakes in here. French toast and scrambled egg whites with sausage for Lieutenant Gallagher." Fiona said, handing Ian a bag "thanks fi." Ian said.

"Newspaper." Fiona handed Debbie the newspaper "new socks, Carl and Carla. Throw out the ones with holes in them." Fiona said, throwing them a pack of socks."Awesome." The twins said simultaneously."A manicure?" Lip asked."Treated myself." Fiona explained

"Nineteen people died in Chicago yesterday." Debbie pointed out. "carton of smokes for you Lip." Fiona said, throwing him the carton "wow. This guy died of heat exhaustion. He was only 54. People die from heat exhaustion?" Debbie asked."Hey,put the rest of this away. I gotta go meet rich-purse woman." Fiona said, ignoring Debbie's question "oh she called?" Lip asked "this morning." Fiona said, walking towards the door.

"Hey,remember,no reward,no purse." Lip reminded. Fiona sent a thumbs up and walked out the door.


"I saw that." Carl said as him,Carla,and Debbie walked downstairs."I put more money in here than anyone,so zip it." Fiona said,"thought we weren't supposed to touch the squirrel fund till Thanksgiving." Debbie said,"we're not,but I have to borrow 50 bucks so I can return all the purse money I found." Fiona explained "we give stuff back when we find it?" Carla asked."No." Frank said, walking into."What?" Fiona asked."Finders keepers,losers weepers." Frank said,"Don't be telling them that." Fiona told him,"It's the Gallagher cerdo. Find something,it's your lucky day and somebody else's shitty day. Tomorrow it's gonna be the opposite. It's the balance of nature." Frank explained.

'What are you doing here?" Fiona asked."Came to get my good suit." Frank said "your good suit?" Fiona asked."I'm getting married today." Frank said with his mouth full."You're already married." Fiona spoke. "Technicality. remember, no good deed goes unpunished. Every man for himself." Frank said, grabbing a beer and walking upstairs.

"Don't listen to him, okay? We give stuff back. I did the wrong thing,and now I'm gonna do the right thing." Fiona explained then walked away.

"Hey guys." V said, walking in the house."Hey V." Carla said as she watched Veronica walk upstairs. "Does she know Fiona's not home?" Carla asked "no Idea." Carl said as he continued to watch TV.

Word count:1218

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