106|The Hobo Games

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Carla sat beside Xan at the table as they ate breakfast. "Croissants?" Lip asked as he walked downstairs. "Where the hell'd we get croissants?" Lip asked. "That randy guy keeps dropping off baked goods." Debbie explained.

"Who?" Lip asked. "Mm,creepy guy." Carl said. "Ingrid's ex-husband." Carla added. "The more she refuses to come out of the basement, the more baked goods he drops off on our front porch. I mean,look at this. Cinnamon rolls,doughnut,doughnut holes..." Debbie listed.

"Kelly,have you tried the cinnamon bread yet?" Debbie asked. "I know. Better than sex." Kelly said. "Mm." Debbie hummed as she and Kelly both laughed. The twins gave each other a weird and confused look as David walked downstairs.

"Morning." David said,kissing Carla's cheek. "Sup,David." Lip said as David sat in between Kelly and Carla. "What's everybody up to today?" Lip asked. "The twins' looking for buried treasure!" Debbie exclaimed in a pirate accent,making Kelly laugh more.

"Oh,laugh it up,guys,laugh it up,but come payday,you'll see who the real captains are."  Carl said as he and Carla did their handshake. "I gotta replace that junky furnace today. You know how much the guy who quoted me went for?" Debbie asked. "Hmm?" Lip hummed.

"7,500 bucks." Debbie said. "Jesus." Lip said. "Yeah,I'm gonna find a used one on Craigslist." Debbie said. "Craigslist is for murders,isn't it?" Kelly asked. "Nah. I've Craigslist-ed,like,40 times. Only gotten rape-y vibes once." Debbie said.

"You should try the scrapyard out past West Lake. My dad used to go there for parts when he was rebuilding his World War 2 reenactment Sherman tanks,and we saw furnaces there all the time." Kelly said.

"Really?" Debbie asked. "Mm-hmm." Kelly nodded. "Where in West Lake?" Debbie asked. "I'll show you." Kelly offered. "I don't have anything else going on today." Kelly said, looking at Carl. "Cool." Debbie said.

"Um,no,you have softball camp,so you can't hang out with Debbie today, 'cause softball camp." Carl said. " 'softball camp'." Debbie said in a lower voice. "You can skip camp,can't you,kell?" Debbie asked. The twins shared another confused look at the nickname Debbie gave Kelly.

"Totally. Girls' day." Kelly said as she and Debbie clicked cups today. "We'll bring Franny." Kelly said. "It a date." Debbie said as she and Kelly both laughed again.

Tami rushed downstairs. "Hey. May I interest you in a croissant? We're a regular Starbucks." Lip offered a croissant to Tami. "No,thanks,I'm good." Tami said as she dug through her purse.

"Hey,um,are you still good to give me and Xan a ride downtown at 10:00?" Lip asked. "Yeah,uh,totally." Tami said. "Yeah?" Lip asked. "Great. I'll see you then." Tami said as she rushed out the door. "Okay." Lip said.


The twins started to put on their pirate costumes when a guy,Jameson,yelled. "Oh,yeah? Well,I quit!" And with curiosity,the twins walked towards them to see what was going on.

Lori sighs. "You ever worked on the line?" She asked me. "In the kitchen?" Carla asked. "Okay,let me ask you this. Can you work Labor Day?" Lori asked. "I guess." The twins said simultaneously. "Grab an apron." Lori told them,causing the twins to smile.

After putting on an apron,the twins followed Lori into the kitchen. "All right! Emiliano,KJ,Stump. This is Carl and Carla. There are our new fry kids. This is grill,bun warmer,and beverage. Iraq vet,ex-con,laid off by GE." Lori said.

"Don't call us that,Lori." A darker man said. "Yeah,what the fuck,Lori?" Another man said. "Be nice to these two,boys. They never worked on a line before." Lori said, then looked at the twins. "Hey,all you got to do is follow that chart. When it says fry,you fry." Lori said before walking away.

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