119|Now Leaving Illinois

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This font as a flashback sorta thing

Carla had been forced by everyone in the household to eat. Ever since last week's incident she's been watched closely as she eats,making sure she does eat.

"Carla what the fuck!?" David immediately asked. "David,calm down then talk." Lip said. "Carla,honey,what's the scaring on your stomach about?" Tami asked.

Carla immediately knew what had happened. She concluded that she had passed out at some point while they were at the police station but she couldn't quite remember.

Carla felt the guilty look spread across her face as she now couldn't hold eye contact with anyone. Different emotions hitting her at once. Lip stood up sat beside her.

"Why are you doing this to yourself?" Lip asked calmly,making Carla want to cry. Obviously she couldn't explain why. "I don't know." Was all that left her mouth.

The truth was; Carla didn't like the way her body looked. Ever since she turned 14 she hadn't liked it even to the slightest. Then she went to military school and lost weight then she got pregnant with the twins and gained weight. She hated the stretch marks it left behind, the slight sag of her belly.

She used to wake up at the ass crake of dawn and go for a run. But it didn't help. Carla could not get use to the look of her own body in the mirror staring back at her.

Then one night she accidentally cut herself,it stung but didn't hurt her. So she continued it. She hadn't done it since but they still left marks. Then it rounded back to starvation. Something she's done before.

And a week later,she finally noticed some signs of weight loss.

At some point Carla had started crying and lip had brought her into a hug.

Carla chewed on her cheek as her and Carl stood on the sidewalk waiting for the trash truck to pull in front of them. Once it did a man on the back asked. "You Carl and Carla?"

"Yeah." The twins said together. "Where are your gloves? Jesus,rookie." The man said. "Told you." Carla shook her head the guy handed them gloves. "You think you can sling trash without protection?" The man asked.

"You'll tear your hands to spreads. Thor's are just loaners,though. I want 'em back." He said as he waved the twins up. Carl stepped up on the truck first then helped Carla up.

"What are you doing on a garbage route? How'd you get this job?" The man asked. "Someone recommended us." Carla answered as she held onto Carl's arm.

"Friends in high places,huh?" The man questioned. "So where do we start?" Carl asked. "With breakfast." The man told them as he taps the truck. "Great." Carla whispers under her breath.

The twins stood by the trash truck as the other guys collected the trash bags. "You want to give us a hand here?" The man asked. Carla sighed about to say no but then remembered all the times when she and Carla were younger tackling each other in the snow and mud.

"Not really." Carl spoke honestly as Carla stepped forward making sure that nothing will get in her gloves as the man helped her up onto the crate to dig through the trash.

A minute later, Carla pulled a bag of bagels. "Breakfast is served." She joked. "You guys eat out of the garbage?" Carl asked as the man opened the bag and dug through it.

"Hey,these bagels haven't been touched. End of the night they just throw out whatever they did sell." The brunette man said as he offered a bagel to Carla,who gratefully took it.

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