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"Good morning." David said as he kissed Carla's cheek. "Morning. Wait,babe which dress for tonight?" Carla asked as she held two black dresses up. "Mid thigh or the one with the slit?" She said.

"Um,slit." David said as he picked the twins up and walked downstairs. Carla shrugged as she hug the dress on the back of the door. "Hey." Carl knocked. "Sup." Carla asked as she continued to brush her hair.

"You take your meds yet?" Carl asked. "Yes,did Ian? It's his big day." Carla said. "Yeah he did." Carl said. Carla nodded as she stood up. "These for the twins?" Carl asked as he picked up a black and white dress and tux for the twins.

"Yeah,David's mom got them after hearing about the wedding." Carla said. Carl nodded as he hug the outfits up. Carla looked in the mirror again and fixed her hair.

"Why you in here anyway?" Carla asked. "Mickey kicked me out so he and Ian could—" Carl began. "I get it." Carla cut him off. "I'm gonna take a deuce." Carl announced as he walked out of his sister's room.

"I didn't want or need to know that,Carl." Carla said as she walked downstairs. Franny ran downstairs behind Carla. "Whoa,punk, whatca doing?" Carla asked as she picked Franny up.

"Dress." Franny said. "Did mommy say it's okay?" Carla asked,Franny nodded. "Okay come on." Carla grabbed Franny's flower girl dress and helped her put it on. "Look at you beautiful." Carla smiled at her niece.

Sandy ran through the kitchen. "Fuck's going on?" Carla asked and Ian,Mickey,and Debbie ran after her. Carla followed them outside soon followed after Carl.

"The hell's going on?" Carl asked as the six stood in the middle of the road. "What is that?" Debbie asked. "The Bamboo Lotus." Sandy answered.

"What?" Mickey asked. "The wedding place?" Carla asked. "It's on fire." Sandy looked at her cousin then back to where the smoke was coming from.

The six soon stood outside the Bamboo Lotus as they watched the firefighters try to put the fire out. "Terry?" In asked. "What do you think?" Sandy asked as she nodded to the spray paint art of two stick figures fucking with a gun pointed at them and the nazi symbol underneath.

"Motherfucker." Mickey said as he walked away. "Oh,shit." Ian said. "Fuck Mickey!" Sandy exclames as the five ran after Mickey.

They all ran inside and upstairs as Mickey grab a gun and started to load it as he walked back downstairs. The five continued to ran after Mickey.

"Terry Milkovich!" Mickey yelled. "You fucking pig fucker!" He bellowed. "Jesus,Mick!" Sandy exclaimed.  "I'm coming for you,you son of a bitch!" Mickey yelled unti Sandy tackled him.

"What the fuck,Sandy?" Mickey asked as Sandy and Ian struggled to keep Mickey on the ground. "Give me the fucking gun,Mick." Sandy said as she accidentally pulled the trigger causing it to shoot the van. "Oh,shit." Ian said as he covered his head,then yelled when Mickey bit him.

"Shit!" The twins yelled simultaneously. Mickey shouted when Ian punched him in the face and took the shotgun. "Fucking..." Mickey groaned. "Get the cuffs." Ian said as he tossed Carla the shotgun. Carl ran inside as Ian,Sandy,and Debbie held Mickey down to the ground.

Ian exhaled. "You done?" He asked. Mickey panted,being out of breath from resisting being pinned down and running. He then grunted as he kneed Ian. "No! You gonna make me hit you again?" Ian asked.

"Fuck you,Gallagher!" Mickey yelled as Ian punched him again making Mickey groan. "Now are you done?" Ian asked. "Yeah. Yeah." Mickey panted.

Ian stood up and looked at the smoke that came from Bamboo Lotus. "Shit." He whispered.

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