44|The Legend of Bonnie and Carl

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Carla woke up and stood up to use the bathroom, but it was locked. "Jesus. Mickey." she said after she banged a couple of times. She then ran downstairs and used the downstairs bathroom. Carla watched in disgust as Mickey drank the rest of the orange juice.

"No,we're all out. Hey,can you tell whoever's going to the store to get some eggs and Tabasco?" Mickey asked. "You live her now?" Carl asked. "Wife problems. Ian saif i could crash on the floor." Mickey explained. "This isn't a shelter." Lip said. "No shit,shelter had better water pressure." Mickey said.


The twins sat in the detention room. Carla held a rock still as carl sharpened a pencil with on it. "No talking. Do your homework." The teacher said. A blonde girl turned in her eat. "You gotta heat the end of it." She said.

"What?" The twins asked. "You're making a shank,right? You gotta heat the end of it with a lighter first. Then, smear it in poop before you use it, so it causes infection." The girl explained. The twins just looked at her,confused. "My dad's at Stateville Correctional." She added.

"I'm practicing for when I'm there." Carl said. "How long they got two you in here for?" The girl asked. "Last day. Bullying." Carla said. "Got two weeks ahead of me." The blonde said.

"No talking." The teacher said. "Bitch." The twins said under their breaths. The blonde girl looked at the teacher before turning back to the twins. "Don't worry. I'll take care of her." She said.

A few minutes later, the twins sat on the desks while the teacher stared at the wall, not moving."What did you do to her?" Carla asked as the three of them looked at the teacher. "Slipped a couple tabs of acid in her coffee." The girl explained.

"You turned Mrs.Spencee into a zombie?" Carl asked. "She's seeing colors not gorging on human flesh. I'm Bonnie." The girl stuck her hand out in front of the twins. "Carl." He shook her hand. "Carla." She did the same action.

"Come on,Carl,Carla,let's raid her purse. I heard her crying in the bathroom earlier. So I'm guessing there's a bunch of Zoloft in there." Bonnie said as the twins got off the desk and followed her.


Carla went downstairs following Debbie. "Hey, Debbie. Carla." Mandy said. "Hey Mandy." Carla said while Debbie did say anything. "Hey,we got,uh,cafeteria meatloaf for dinner. And if you douse it in enough ketchup, you might not ask yourself if it's really meat." Lip said as he grabbed plates.

"Texting your boyfriend?" Mandy asked. "Deleting his pictures. Guys suck." Debbie said. "You're just figuring that out now?" Mandy asked. "What happened,Debs?" Lip asked.

"He's on a date." Debbie said as Carl walked downstairs. "How can you tell when you're in love with someone?" He asked. "When you wanna rip someone's heart out and stomp on it till it's soup." Debbie said. The twins glared at her as Carl sat next to Carla.

"So...who's the bitch?" Mandy asked. "Bitch?" Debbie asked. "The skank who can't get her own man,so she moved onto yours." Mandy said. "You think it's her fault?" Debbie asked as the twins served themselves dinner.

"She knows exactly what she's doing. Feel sorry for he." Mandy said. "Why?" Lip asked. "She doesn't know who she messed with. Debbie Gallagher." Mandy said.

The twins ate their food while Debbie stared into space.

After dinner, Carla got a call from Debbie telling her to meet her by a pizza place.

"Jesus,Debs, it's freezing out here." Carla said as she stood next to Debbie beside a pizza place. "Shut up." Debbie whispered harshly as the two followed a girl far behind. They followed the girl into the L, then followed her off the L.

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