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The first few nights with the new twin babies were okay. They didn't cry much,only when they were hungry or needed to change,but dealing with twins were hard. Carla was just glad she wasn't pregnant anymore. Carla and David decided to name the twins,Emma and Mateo.

Carla had just laid the twins in their cribs and walked out of the room. "Hey. How was work?" Fiona asked Debbie. "Long. Franny asleep?" Debbie asked. "Yeah,I didn't hear a peep all night." Fiona said.

"No,she's been awake." Carla said. "Yeah,she's up now." Debbie said. "How are you holding up,Carla?" She asked. "Good. The twins are surprisingly quiet." Carla said. Fiona knocked on the bathroom door.

"Fuck off,Debbie." Carl's voice said from inside the bathroom. "Carl,it's Fiona." The toilet flushed. "Come on,i gotta pee. Carl!" Fiona exclaimed when Carl opened the door and glared at Debbie before walking into his room,shutting the door behind him.

"What was that about?" Fiona asked. "Kelly broke up with him." Debbie and Carla said together. Fiona sighed as she walked into the bathroom.

Carla walked downstairs where Fiona was,waiting for the coffee. "Coffee?" Lip asked after he walked downstairs. "Almost." Fiona said. "How you feeling?" Lip asked Fiona. "A little rough around the edges in the morning. You know." Fiona said. "Yeah." Lip nodded.

"How's Xan?" Fiona asked. "Uh,I might get to see her in a couple days. Foster family signed off,but I need DCFS approval." Lip explained, and Fiona nodded. "Wanna catch a meeting this morning?" Lip asked. "Yeah,thanks." Fiona said as she poured herself some coffee, and Carl walked downstairs.

"What happened to your face?" Carla asked as she poured herself some coffee as well. "Fryer at work." Carl said as Fiona got a better look. "Don't pick. God,you'll make scars." Fiona told him as Lip looked at Carl's face.

"Urlacher over Butkus? No,not a chance. Butkus was an animal." Debbie said on the phone as she walked down the stairs. "Eight pro bowls. Hall of fame. Have you checked out Butkus on YouTube?" Debbie held her phone in between her shoulder and ear.

"Pre-concussion rules? He would've kicked Khalil Mack's ass. If they played today. That's a fact. Okay. See you outside in five." Debbie said before handing up. "Kelly. We're going back-to-school shopping for guns and ammunition and things." Debbie shrugged.

"Didn't you just get back home from working all night?" Lip asked. "Don't feel sleepy. I'll catch it up later." Debbie said then scoffed. "Urlacher over Butkus. Can you believe that shit?" Debbie asked, starting to walk upstairs.

"Uh,franny?" Fiona asked. "Taking her with." Debbie said,walking upstairs. "Please don't wake the twins." Carla whispered. "I gotta go." Carl sighed. "Carla,you want me to tell Lori,you're still on maternally leave?" Carl asked. "Sure." Carla said as Carl walked out of the house.

"Hello?" A man called out. Carla and Fiona looked to see who it was. "Is Lip around?" The man asked. "Uh,I think he might-" Fiona began as Lip walked downstairs. "Hi." The man said. "Mr. Tamietti." Lip said.

"You and I need to talk,son." Mr. Tamietti said. "Oh,yeah? " Lip asked. "Tami's having this baby, and I need to know what your plan is." Mr. Tamietti said. "Uh,she-she's keeping the baby?" Lip asked. "I mean,she seemed undecided that last that we,uh-" Lip said.

"Oh,yeah. She's keeping the baby. That is not open for discussion." Mr. Tamietti told Lip. "No,no,sir. I just mean,um,last time we talked,she-she seemed unclear about what she wanted to do." Lip explained. "Oh,it's clear. She's having the baby." Mr. Tamietti said.

"Good God. Almost there." Debbie grunted. "A little help here!" She exclaimed as she,Carl, and Kelly carried Frank in. "Put me down. Put me down,no more. Down there! Down there!" Frank exclaimed. "Jesus." Debbie said as Frank groaned.

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