4| Casey Casden

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Carla just got done getting ready for the day as her and Carl walked downstairs. "I thought she drowned a couple of years ago." The twins heard Ian say as they got into the kitchen."No. Mrs. Goga had the shaky neck and drowned in her own vomit last Easter." Debbie explained. Carl opened the microwave as Carla put in another action figure in. "No pie. Get in the shower. I'm not saying it again." Fiona said, taking the pie mix from Debbie,"Carl,Carla,no." Fiona said, taking the toy from them.

"I went to school with Kenny Dombrowski. Think he had a crush on me." Fiona spoke."Shh! Wake's this morning. Let's go." Lip told lan "up,up,up." He patted lan on the arm. "Can I come?" Debbie asked."Um...no." Lip said, putting his jacket on. "Debbie,what is going on with you?" Fiona  asked."Nothing." Debbie hesitated as she started to spin around in circles. Fiona sniffed the twins' heads. "oof! Showers after Debbie. Carl, you first." Fiona told them,"towels and robes upstairs. Go." Fiona picked up Liam as the twins walked upstairs.

Carla,Carl,and Debbie walked into Kev and V's house and took things from their bathroom and took their showers while they were having their morning sex "are the Gallaghers in our bathroom?" Carla heard Kevin say as her and Carl walked outside and back to their own house.


They twins walked around the neighborhood looking for animals that their siblings like to say 'for them to torture.' Carla crouched in front of a bush and grabbed a garden snake."Look, Carl." She laughed."Cool." Carl laughed and grabbed the snake. The twins stopped laughing when they saw a cop car pull up beside them and rolled out the passenger side window. "Hey,have you two seen a little boy named Casey Casden,blonde like 2 years old?" Tony asked.

The twins looked at each other before shaking their heads, no letting go of the snake. "Okay, thank you," Tony nodded before driving off. The twins looked at each other, confused. The twins shrugged and began to walk home. Soon after, Lip and Lan found the twins, "Debbie stole a baby." Lip said, picking the twins up and placing them in the shopping cart that had a water heater in it."Really?" They said in Union.


The twins sat at the kitchen counter as Fiona,Steve,Lip,lan,and Debbie all talked. "We need to get your story straight for the police. Why did you take the boy?" Fiona said."He was crying for his mom, and his mom wasn't around." Debbie made up a lie."Did you try to find his mom?" Fiona questioned."No, he was crying, and nobody cared. So I took him." Debbie answered truthfully.
"You can't say that. What's wrong with you?" Fiona asked "Fi" Steve put his hand on Fiona's.

"Debs, was he inside or outside of the yard when you grabbed him?" Lip asked this time "inside." Debbie answered."Okay,so how did you get him out?" Lip asked."I waved a Snickers bar at him." She replied,"Did anybody see you?" Lan asked."I don't think so. We just ran, " Debbie said."That wasn't suspicious." Fiona said,"So you were running down the street -" Ian started."I used a stroller. " Debbie cut him off. "What stroller?" Fiona asked."Liam's old one." Debbie turned her attention to the eldest sibling,"the one I told you to throw out?" Fiona asked angrily. "I fixed it. For emergencies." Debbie explained.

Their was a banging at the door, making everybody jump and turn to the door. "Open up! Hurry!" Veronica's voice made them relaxed,"shit." Lip whispered as he got up and opened the door."What the hell is going on?" V asked, walking in with Kevin behind her with a laundry basket with a blanket covering the kid's head. "Is this that missing kid?" Kev asked, holding the basket up. "Debbie stole him. And now we have to give him back without her getting four to six months in Juivie." Fiona explained. "Why in the world would she steal--"

"Hmm."Fiona tilted her head."There must be a couple hundred cops out there." Kev said, looking out the kitchen window."I know. I'm so sorry. Debs, will you watch him for a second. Come with us." Fiona said, taking,v,kev,lan, lip,and Steve into the living room."Casey, we're gonna play games, okay?" Debbie told the baby.


The twins sat in front of Lip as they went over 'the plan' to give the baby back to his parents "alright, you know that payphone that's outside the Kash and Grab?" Lip asked the two "yeah" they said together,"alright, I want you to get on your bikes... go to the payphone and call the police. Tell them that you saw a little boy walking down Southport Avenue at 2:45. Okay?" Lip explained and handed them a paper."Why should we?" Carl asked."You wanna be in a children's home? Until you're eighteen?" Lan asked."Group home on Union has a climbing wall." Carla shrugged, "Carla,Carl." V said in a stern voice. "Ugh,we don't have bikes," Carl groaned, "wire cutter's in the junk drawer." Ian explained as the twins' smiles grew.

They both rush to get the cutters and quickly left to steal a bike. Carla looked around as Carl, but the bikes lock "come on." He said, putting the wire cutters in his pocket. Carla stood on the back of the stolen bike as Carl rode off towards Kash and Grab.

"Me and my twin sister saw a little boy walking down Southport Avenue at like 2:45" Carl lied to the police officer over the phone. Carla took the payphone "two forty-five?" The police officer asked."Yeah,2:25." Carla said, hanging up."Asshole." She whispered as they got back on the bike. They found the rest of their family and saw Frank picking up cash, "That's Debs' " Lip said, "No, I'm just helping her." Frank looked up. Lip and Lan stepped on his hands. "You're on my hand. You're -" Carla and Carl stood beside Ian as they "all right, I am your father." Frank said,"Hey,Deb. Good job, " Tony said, walking up to Debbie and taking his hat off "Fiona you wanna come with us? Please, " Tony asked."Where?" Fiona turned her attention to him."we need to take Deb to the station." Tony explained."What for?" Fiona furrowed her eyebrows."we need to take a statement."

"She found him. Isn't that enough?" Fiona said, "we need a statement. You can stay with her." Tony told her. Debbie nodded. "Nurse Debbie can handle it," Debbie smiles up at Fiona.


The twins stayed home with their older brothers as Fiona,Debbie,and Steve went to talk at the police station. Carla lay next to lan on his bed as he did his homework. "Ian?" She asked."What's up, carly?" Ian asked, not taking his eyes off the paper."Is Debbie going to jail?" She thought out loud. Ian looked up at his sister's glossy eyes. "No,no, Carla, she's just being talked to," lan sat up. "You sure?" She asked again."Yeah, her and Fiona will be back soon. I promise. Come here, " Ian explained, bringing her into a hug.

Carla walked downstairs on Ian's back and saw Debbie and Fiona on the couch. A big smile appeared on her face as Ian put her next to Carl. She watched the TV like the rest of her siblings listening to the news. Carla put her head on Carl's shoulder. He put his head on hers as they watched the TV "Fiona." they all heard a harsh whisper, making them turn to see Steve.
Fiona got up and walked towards the man.

"Hey, Debs. Look what Steve brought." Fiona said with a smile."Oh,my God. For me?" Debbie asked excitedly as she got off the couch."Absolutely. For doing such a great job today, " Steve said,"thank you, " Debbie said excitedly."What are you gonna name her?" Fiona asked. Debbie laughs. "Gin-Gin. After Aunt ginger." Debbie looked up, smiling."Let's go up to my room. We can play." She told the doll as she got up and went upstairs.

"Carla, you gotta sleep in your own room," Fiona told her "fine" she groaned as her and Carl walked upstairs with lan behind them. "You're not going to, are you?" Ian asked laughing "nope" she shook her head and followed the boys to their room "here carly sleep in there, " Ian told her, pouting to his bed. She crawled in his bed,lan flopping next to her. She cuddled up next to him and fell asleep. Ian got up and grabbed the headphones, and placed them on the twins before going downstairs after hearing Veronica's voice.

Word count:1490
A/n: six parts in one day🤝🏻

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