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Carla stood at the counter, pouring herself coffee, and then she sat at the end of the table. Soon Carl and Nick came downstairs and got breakfast, and Carl sat at the other end of the table, and Nick sat next to Carla.

"Good morning." Fiona said, walking in the living bur didn't get no reply. "Good morning to you,too,Fiona." Fiona told herself as she poured coffee. "Friend Nick is still here,huh?" Fiona asked. "Yep." Carl said. "How long do you plan on staying,Nick?" Fiona asked.

Nick looked at Carl. "A while." Carl spoke for him. "You don't have a place to go?" Fiona asked. Nick yet again looked at Carl. "No family." Carl replied for Nick."Does he talk?" Fiona asked.  "I've got him covered." Carl said.

"Carla,do you still have out of school suspension still?" Fiona asked. "No. The last day was last week." Carla said as Fiona nodded. "So,uh,hey,Debbie?" Fiona asked. "Yeah?" Debbie asked, not looking up from her phone. "I just called the clinic." Fiona told her.

"So?" Debbie asked. " I made an appointment for you for Friday for an abortion. They want us there this afternoon for you for prescreening. I'll pick you up after school." Fiona explained as she sat down. Debbie scoffed. "Not part of my plan." She said.

"But now that's Derek's gone,it's -" Fiona began to say. "He's coming back. His parents are assholes." Debbie said as she stood up and placed her bowl on the counter. "Did you talk to him?" Fiona asked. "We love each other." Debbie said as she sat at the counter.

"Debs,come on. You're 15." Fiona stood up. "Yeah? Please,you're always bragging about how you had to raise us when you were 16." Debbie said. "Bragging? It was forced on me. I didn't have a choice. You have a choice." Fiona told her.

"Yeah,and I choose to have a baby." Debbie stood up again and put her bowl in the sink. "You have your whole life ahead of you." Fiona said. "And I don't have my whole life ahead of me if I have a baby?" Debbie asked. "You can have a baby when you're older and finished high school,college, and gotten a job." Fiona said.

"Right,so I should just stop being pregnant,then?" Debbie asked. "Yes." Fiona nodded. "I'm not killing my baby." Debbie told her. "It's not a baby! It's a few cells! " Fiona exclaimed as Debbie clicked on her phone. "Does this look like a few cells?" Debbie asked, showing Fiona her phone.

The twins got up and looked at her phone, then sat back down. "The website says my baby's the size of an orange right now." Debbie told Fiona. "It totally looks like you just fucked a tadpole." Carl said. "Debbie,be realistic. How are you gonna go to school and have a baby?" Fiona asked.

"You want ne to be realistic? Okay,I'll be realistic." Debbie said, opening a cabinet. "Knives are in the drawer if you wanna do a hoke abortion." Carla said, taking a bite of her cereal. "Carla!" Fiona exclaimed. Carla held her hands up in defense.

"We're leaving. Carla,you coming?" Carl asked. "Sure." Carla said standing up. "Here's a couple hundies for her abortion and Nick's room and board." Carl told Fiona as he threw money down. "Where'd you get this?" Fiona asked.

"Earned it." Carl said. "How?" Fiona asked, handing Carl his money back. "Let's go,Nick." Carl said. "I'm taking this bag of flour with me." Debbie told Fiona. "Why?" Fiona asked. "To prove to you that I can go to school and take care of a baby at the same time." Debbie explained as the twins and Nick left.


"Hey,yo,you two stay out front whole I go in and offer Mr.Wu a little neighborhood protection policy. I'll give you the signal if I need you,all right?" Carl told Nick and Carla. Nick nodded while Carla looked confused as carl went into the building.

Carla leaned on the wall while Nick looked inside at Carl. A few minutes later,Carl came out, "See you next Thursday,Mr. Wu." Carl said as they started walking again. "Like taking candy from a Asian dry-cleaner." Carl said. "Used appliance store next,before school?" Carl asked.

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