81|Ride or Die

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Carla held Carl's feet as he did sit-ups. "Fiona emailed me last night, saying that Monica's back." Carla said . "Yeah?" Carl asked. Carla nodded. "Uh-uh. She said that she hadn't said anything earlier since of hell week. " Carla added.

"How long do you think she'd stay for this time?" Carl asked. "Not long,Probably be gone by the time we get home for the summer." Carla said as they switched over to do push-ups. "Why do you think she came home this time?" Carla asked.

"She's probably dying." Carl said. Carla chuckled. "Probably." After push-ups, everyone went to their second and third classes of the day. "Jesus. Move on." Carla said after she saw kids mocking how she rushed out of the class the other day.

"These kids really want to be in the army? " Carla asked as they walked towards the back of the classroom. "Guess so. " Carl said as they sat down.

After the two other classes,everyone was using an army knife to Whittle feathersticks when Carla slit her palm. It took her a second to realize what she had done.

"Fuck!" She whispered loudly.         "You okay?" Carl asked quickly. "Yeah. Yeah." Carla hissed at the pain. Carl grabbed her hand and wrapped a cloth over it to stop the bleeding.

"Gallagher,you alright?" The Sargent said. "Yeah. Just slipped." Carla said. "Head to the nurse. Next time, pay more attention." The Sargent told her as Carla got up and walked over to nurse.

"So,how'd you cut your hand?" The nurse asked. "Whittle feathersticks." Carla explained as the nurse cleaned the cut-up. "You gotta pay more attention to what you're doing." The nurse told her.

"Yeah,I know." Carla said as she walked out of the nurse's office. Carl saw Carla's blank face as she walked out of the nursing building. It looked like she had felt no pain whatsoever. Like she was numb.

"Yo,Carla,you alright?" Carl asked. "Mm-hmm." Carla hummed. "You sure you can work on that hand?" Carl asked. "Yes,Carl. I've done worse shit in my life." Carla said, getting more and more annoyed.

"Okay." Carl nodded as they continued to Whittle feathersticks.

Word count:387
A/n:I promise the next seasons chapters will be longer. I'm just running out of ideas.

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